CKazv::AddAccountDataAction | |
CKazv::AddEphemeralAction | |
CKazv::AddLocalEchoAction | |
CKazv::AddLocalNotificationsAction | Update local notifications to include the new events |
CKazv::AddPendingRoomKeyAction | |
CKazv::AddStateEventsAction | |
CKazv::AddToTimelineAction | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< AuthenticationData > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< ClientEventWithoutRoomID > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< CreateRoomJob::Invite3pid > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< CreateRoomJob::StateEvent > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< CrossSigningKey > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< Device > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< DeviceKeys > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< DiscoveryInformation > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< EmailValidationData > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< EventBatch > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< EventFilter > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< FieldType > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< Filter > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetAccount3PIDsJob::ThirdPartyIdentifier > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetCapabilitiesJob::Capabilities > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetCapabilitiesJob::ChangePasswordCapability > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetCapabilitiesJob::RoomVersionsCapability > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob::RoomMember > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetLoginFlowsJob::LoginFlow > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetNotificationsJob::Notification > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetPushersJob::Pusher > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetPushersJob::PusherData > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetRoomTagsJob::Tag > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetSpaceHierarchyJob::ChildRoomsChunk > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetSpaceHierarchyJob::StrippedChildStateEvent > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetWhoIsJob::ConnectionInfo > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetWhoIsJob::DeviceInfo > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< GetWhoIsJob::SessionInfo > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< HomeserverInformation > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< IdentityServerInformation > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< immer::array< T > > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< immer::flex_vector< T > > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< immer::map< T, V > > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< InitialSyncJob::PaginationChunk > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< InitialSyncJob::RoomInfo > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< Kazv::Event > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< Kazv::JsonWrap > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< Kazv::Variant > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< MsisdnValidationData > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< OpenIdCredentials > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< Post3PIDsJob::ThreePidCredentials > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< PostPusherJob::PusherData > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< ProtocolInstance > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< PublicRoomsChunk > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< PushCondition > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< PushRule > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< PushRuleset > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< QueryKeysJob::DeviceInformation > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< QueryKeysJob::UnsignedDeviceInfo > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< QueryPublicRoomsJob::Filter > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< RequestEmailValidation > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< RequestMsisdnValidation > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< RequestTokenResponse > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< RoomEventFilter > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< RoomFilter > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< RoomInitialSyncJob::PaginationChunk > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::Categories > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::EventContext > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::Group > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::Groupings > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::GroupValue > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::IncludeEventContext > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::Result > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::ResultCategories > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::ResultRoomEvents > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::RoomEventsCriteria > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchJob::UserProfile > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SearchUserDirectoryJob::User > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< StateEventBatch > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::InvitedRoom > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::InviteState > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::JoinedRoom > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::KnockedRoom > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::KnockState > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::LeftRoom > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::Rooms > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::RoomSummary > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< SyncJob::UnreadNotificationCounts > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< ThirdPartyLocation > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< ThirdPartyProtocol > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< ThirdPartySigned > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< ThirdPartyUser > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< Timeline > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< UnsignedData > | |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< UserIdentifier > | |
CKazv::AES256CTRDesc | |
CKazv::AsioStdFileHandler< Exec > | |
CKazv::AsioStdFileProvider< Exec > | |
CKazv::AsioStdFileStream< Exec > | |
CKazv::Factory::AttrModifier< PointerToMember > | |
CKazv::Api::AuthenticationData | Used by clients to submit authentication information to the interactive-authentication API |
CKazv::BanAction | |
►CKazv::BaseJob | |
CKazv::Api::Add3PIDJob | Adds contact information to the user's account |
CKazv::Api::BanJob | Ban a user in the room |
CKazv::Api::Bind3PIDJob | Binds a 3PID to the user's account through an Identity Service |
CKazv::Api::ChangePasswordJob | Changes a user's password |
CKazv::Api::CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob | Checks to see if a username is available on the server |
CKazv::Api::ClaimKeysJob | Claim one-time encryption keys |
CKazv::Api::CreateRoomJob | Create a new room |
CKazv::Api::DeactivateAccountJob | Deactivate a user's account |
CKazv::Api::DefineFilterJob | Upload a new filter |
CKazv::Api::Delete3pidFromAccountJob | Deletes a third party identifier from the user's account |
CKazv::Api::DeleteDeviceJob | Delete a device |
CKazv::Api::DeleteDevicesJob | Bulk deletion of devices |
CKazv::Api::DeletePushRuleJob | Delete a push rule |
CKazv::Api::DeleteRoomAliasJob | Remove a mapping of room alias to room ID |
CKazv::Api::DeleteRoomTagJob | Remove a tag from the room |
CKazv::Api::ForgetRoomJob | Stop the requesting user remembering about a particular room |
CKazv::Api::GetAccount3PIDsJob | Gets a list of a user's third party identifiers |
CKazv::Api::GetAccountDataJob | Get some account_data for the user |
CKazv::Api::GetAccountDataPerRoomJob | Get some account_data for the user |
CKazv::Api::GetAvatarUrlJob | Get the user's avatar URL |
CKazv::Api::GetCapabilitiesJob | Gets information about the server's capabilities |
CKazv::Api::GetConfigJob | Get the configuration for the content repository |
CKazv::Api::GetContentJob | Download content from the content repository |
CKazv::Api::GetContentOverrideNameJob | Download content from the content repository overriding the file name |
CKazv::Api::GetContentThumbnailJob | Download a thumbnail of content from the content repository |
CKazv::Api::GetDeviceJob | Get a single device |
CKazv::Api::GetDevicesJob | List registered devices for the current user |
CKazv::Api::GetDisplayNameJob | Get the user's display name |
CKazv::Api::GetEventContextJob | Get events and state around the specified event |
CKazv::Api::GetEventsJob | Listen on the event stream |
CKazv::Api::GetFilterJob | Download a filter |
CKazv::Api::GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob | Gets the list of currently joined users and their profile data |
CKazv::Api::GetJoinedRoomsJob | Lists the user's current rooms |
CKazv::Api::GetKeysChangesJob | Query users with recent device key updates |
CKazv::Api::GetLocalAliasesJob | Get a list of local aliases on a given room |
CKazv::Api::GetLoginFlowsJob | Get the supported login types to authenticate users |
CKazv::Api::GetMembersByRoomJob | Get the events for the room |
CKazv::Api::GetNotificationsJob | Gets a list of events that the user has been notified about |
CKazv::Api::GetOneEventJob | Get a single event by event ID |
CKazv::Api::GetOneRoomEventJob | Get a single event by event ID |
CKazv::Api::GetPresenceJob | Get this user's presence state |
CKazv::Api::GetProtocolMetadataJob | Retrieve metadata about a specific protocol that the homeserver supports |
CKazv::Api::GetProtocolsJob | Retrieve metadata about all protocols that a homeserver supports |
CKazv::Api::GetPublicRoomsJob | Lists the public rooms on the server |
CKazv::Api::GetPushRuleActionsJob | The actions for a push rule |
CKazv::Api::GetPushRuleJob | Retrieve a push rule |
CKazv::Api::GetPushRulesJob | Retrieve all push rulesets |
CKazv::Api::GetPushersJob | Gets the current pushers for the authenticated user |
CKazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsJob | Get the child events for a given parent event |
CKazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob | Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType and eventType |
CKazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob | Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomEventsJob | Get a list of events for this room |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomIdByAliasJob | Get the room ID corresponding to this room alias |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomStateJob | Get all state events in the current state of a room |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomStateWithKeyJob | Get the state identified by the type and key |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomTagsJob | List the tags for a room |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob | Gets the visibility of a room in the directory |
CKazv::Api::GetSpaceHierarchyJob | Retrieve a portion of a space tree |
CKazv::Api::GetTokenOwnerJob | Gets information about the owner of an access token |
CKazv::Api::GetTurnServerJob | Obtain TURN server credentials |
CKazv::Api::GetUrlPreviewJob | Get information about a URL for a client |
CKazv::Api::GetUserProfileJob | Get this user's profile information |
CKazv::Api::GetVersionsJob | Gets the versions of the specification supported by the server |
CKazv::Api::GetWellknownJob | Gets Matrix server discovery information about the domain |
CKazv::Api::GetWhoIsJob | Gets information about a particular user |
CKazv::Api::InitialSyncJob | Get the user's current state |
CKazv::Api::InviteBy3PIDJob | Invite a user to participate in a particular room |
CKazv::Api::InviteUserJob | Invite a user to participate in a particular room |
CKazv::Api::IsPushRuleEnabledJob | Get whether a push rule is enabled |
CKazv::Api::JoinRoomByIdJob | Start the requesting user participating in a particular room |
CKazv::Api::JoinRoomJob | Start the requesting user participating in a particular room |
CKazv::Api::KickJob | Kick a user from the room |
CKazv::Api::KnockRoomJob | Knock on a room, requesting permission to join |
CKazv::Api::LeaveRoomJob | Stop the requesting user participating in a particular room |
CKazv::Api::LoginJob | Authenticates the user |
CKazv::Api::LogoutAllJob | Invalidates all access tokens for a user |
CKazv::Api::LogoutJob | Invalidates a user access token |
CKazv::Api::PeekEventsJob | Listen on the event stream of a particular room |
CKazv::Api::Post3PIDsJob | Adds contact information to the user's account |
CKazv::Api::PostPusherJob | Modify a pusher for this user on the homeserver |
CKazv::Api::PostReceiptJob | Send a receipt for the given event ID |
CKazv::Api::QueryKeysJob | Download device identity keys |
CKazv::Api::QueryLocationByAliasJob | Reverse-lookup third party locations given a Matrix room alias |
CKazv::Api::QueryLocationByProtocolJob | Retrieve Matrix-side portals rooms leading to a third party location |
CKazv::Api::QueryPublicRoomsJob | Lists the public rooms on the server with optional filter |
CKazv::Api::QueryUserByIDJob | Reverse-lookup third party users given a Matrix User ID |
CKazv::Api::QueryUserByProtocolJob | Retrieve the Matrix User ID of a corresponding third party user |
CKazv::Api::RedactEventJob | Strips all non-integrity-critical information out of an event |
CKazv::Api::RedirectToIdPJob | Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface for an IdP |
CKazv::Api::RedirectToSSOJob | Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface |
CKazv::Api::RefreshJob | Refresh an access token |
CKazv::Api::RegisterJob | Register for an account on this homeserver |
CKazv::Api::RegistrationTokenValidityJob | Query if a given registration token is still valid |
CKazv::Api::ReportContentJob | Reports an event as inappropriate |
CKazv::Api::RequestOpenIdTokenJob | Get an OpenID token object to verify the requester's identity |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob | Begins the validation process for an email address for association with the user's account |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob | Begins the validation process for a phone number for association with the user's account |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob | Begins the validation process for an email to be used during registration |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob | Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of registering an account |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob | Requests a validation token be sent to the given email address for the purpose of resetting a user's password |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob | Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of resetting a user's password |
CKazv::Api::RoomInitialSyncJob | Snapshot the current state of a room and its most recent messages |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob | Perform a server-side search |
CKazv::Api::SearchUserDirectoryJob | Searches the user directory |
CKazv::Api::SendMessageJob | Send a message event to the given room |
CKazv::Api::SendToDeviceJob | Send an event to a given set of devices |
CKazv::Api::SetAccountDataJob | Set some account_data for the user |
CKazv::Api::SetAccountDataPerRoomJob | Set some account_data for the user |
CKazv::Api::SetAvatarUrlJob | Set the user's avatar URL |
CKazv::Api::SetDisplayNameJob | Set the user's display name |
CKazv::Api::SetPresenceJob | Update this user's presence state |
CKazv::Api::SetPushRuleActionsJob | Set the actions for a push rule |
CKazv::Api::SetPushRuleEnabledJob | Enable or disable a push rule |
CKazv::Api::SetPushRuleJob | Add or change a push rule |
CKazv::Api::SetReadMarkerJob | Set the position of the read marker for a room |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomAliasJob | Create a new mapping from room alias to room ID |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomStateWithKeyJob | Send a state event to the given room |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomTagJob | Add a tag to a room |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob | Sets the visibility of a room in the room directory |
CKazv::Api::SetTypingJob | Informs the server that the user has started or stopped typing |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob | Synchronise the client's state and receive new messages |
CKazv::Api::UnbanJob | Unban a user from the room |
CKazv::Api::Unbind3pidFromAccountJob | Removes a user's third party identifier from an identity server |
CKazv::Api::UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob | Updates a room's visibility in the application service's room directory |
CKazv::Api::UpdateDeviceJob | Update a device |
CKazv::Api::UpgradeRoomJob | Upgrades a room to a new room version |
CKazv::Api::UploadContentJob | Upload some content to the content repository |
CKazv::Api::UploadCrossSigningKeysJob | Upload cross-signing keys |
CKazv::Api::UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob | Upload cross-signing signatures |
CKazv::Api::UploadKeysJob | Upload end-to-end encryption keys |
CKazv::Api::GetCapabilitiesJob::Capabilities | The custom capabilities the server supports, using the Java package naming convention |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::Categories | Describes which categories to search in and their criteria |
CKazv::ChangeInviteStateAction | |
CKazv::ChangeMembershipAction | |
CKazv::Api::GetCapabilitiesJob::ChangePasswordCapability | Capability to indicate if the user can change their password |
CKazv::Api::GetSpaceHierarchyJob::ChildRoomsChunk | Paginates over the space tree in a depth-first manner to locate child rooms of a given space |
CKazv::ClaimKeysAction | |
CKazv::ClaimKeysFailed | |
CKazv::ClaimKeysSuccessful | |
CKazv::Client | Represent a Matrix client |
CKazv::Api::ClientEventWithoutRoomID | The format used for events when they are returned from API endpoints such as /sync , where the room_id is implied elsewhere in the response |
CKazv::ClientModel | |
CKazv::Api::GetWhoIsJob::ConnectionInfo | Gets information about a particular user |
CKazv::CreateRoomAction | |
CKazv::CreateRoomFailed | |
CKazv::CreateRoomSuccessful | |
CKazv::Api::CrossSigningKey | Cross signing key |
CKazv::Crypto | |
CKazv::CryptoPrivate | |
CKazv::PromiseCombination::DefaultForPromiseT< T, class > | |
CKazv::PromiseCombination::DefaultForPromiseT< T, std::void_t< decltype(createDefaultForPromiseThen(std::declval< T >()))> > | |
CKazv::BaseJob::Delete | |
►CDeps | |
CKazv::ContextBase< RetType, Action, Deps > | |
►Clager::deps | |
CKazv::ContextBase< ClientAction > | |
CKazv::ContextBase< ActionT > | |
CKazv::ContextBase< T, Action, Deps > | |
CKazv::Api::Device | A client device |
CKazv::Api::GetWhoIsJob::DeviceInfo | Gets information about a particular user |
CKazv::DeviceKeyInfo | |
►CKazv::Api::DeviceKeys | Device identity keys |
CKazv::Api::QueryKeysJob::DeviceInformation | Returns the current devices and identity keys for the given users |
CKazv::DeviceListTracker | |
CKazv::Api::DiscoveryInformation | Used by clients to determine the homeserver, identity server, and other optional components they should be interacting with |
CKazv::DownloadContentAction | |
CKazv::DownloadContentFailed | |
CKazv::DownloadContentSuccessful | |
CKazv::DownloadThumbnailAction | |
CKazv::DownloadThumbnailFailed | |
CKazv::DownloadThumbnailSuccessful | |
CKazv::DumbFileInterface | |
CKazv::DumbFileProvider | |
CKazv::DumbFileStream | |
CKazv::EffectBase< T, Action, Deps > | |
CKazv::EffectStatus | |
CKazv::EmptyBody | |
CKazv::EncryptedFileDesc | |
CKazv::EncryptMegOlmEventAction | The action to encrypt an megolm event for a room |
►CKazv::Event | |
CKazv::Api::GetSpaceHierarchyJob::StrippedChildStateEvent | Paginates over the space tree in a depth-first manner to locate child rooms of a given space |
CKazv::Api::EventBatch | |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::EventContext | Context for result, if requested |
►CKazv::Api::EventFilter | |
CKazv::Api::RoomEventFilter | |
►CKazv::EventInterface | |
CKazv::LagerStoreEventEmitter | |
CKazv::EventReader | |
CKazv::Api::FieldType | Definition of valid values for a field |
CKazv::FileDesc | |
CKazv::FileInterface | |
CKazv::FileProvider | |
CKazv::FileStream | |
CKazv::Api::Filter | |
CKazv::Api::QueryPublicRoomsJob::Filter | Filter to apply to the results |
CKazv::ForgetRoomAction | |
CKazv::ForgetRoomFailed | |
CKazv::ForgetRoomSuccessful | |
►Cstd::function | |
CKazv::CprJobHandler::Private::ReadCallback | |
CKazv::CprJobHandler::Private::WriteCallback | |
►CKazv::Factory::ComposedModifier< ModelType > | |
CKazv::Factory::AttrModifier< DataType ModelType::* > | |
CKazv::GenerateAndUploadOneTimeKeysAction | The action to generate one-time keys |
CKazv::BaseJob::Get | |
CKazv::GetRoomStatesAction | |
CKazv::GetRoomStatesFailed | |
CKazv::GetRoomStatesSuccessful | |
CKazv::GetStateEventAction | |
CKazv::GetStateEventFailed | |
CKazv::GetStateEventSuccessful | |
CKazv::GetUserProfileAction | |
CKazv::GetVersionsAction | |
CKazv::GetWellknownAction | |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::Group | Configuration for group |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::Groupings | Requests that the server partitions the result set based on the provided list of keys |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::GroupValue | The results for a particular group value |
CKazv::HardLogoutAction | |
Cstd::hash< Kazv::KeyOfGroupSession > | |
Cstd::hash< Kazv::KeyOfOutboundSession > | |
Cstd::hash< Kazv::KeyOfState > | |
CKazv::Api::HomeserverInformation | Used by clients to discover homeserver information |
CKazv::Api::IdentityServerInformation | Used by clients to discover identity server information |
CKazv::InboundGroupSession | |
CKazv::InboundGroupSessionPrivate | |
CKazv::InboundSessionTag | |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::IncludeEventContext | Configures whether any context for the events returned are included in the response |
CKazv::Client::InEventLoopTag | |
CKazv::Room::InEventLoopTag | |
CKazv::InvalidMessageFormat | |
CKazv::Api::CreateRoomJob::Invite3pid | Create a new room with various configuration options |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::InvitedRoom | Synchronise the client's state with the latest state on the server |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::InviteState | The stripped state of a room that the user has been invited to |
CKazv::InviteToRoomAction | |
CKazv::InviteUserFailed | |
CKazv::InviteUserSuccessful | |
CKazv::CprJobHandler::Private::JobDesc | |
►CKazv::JobInterface | |
CKazv::CprJobHandler | |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::JoinedRoom | Synchronise the client's state with the latest state on the server |
CKazv::JoinRoomAction | |
CKazv::JoinRoomByIdAction | |
CKazv::JoinRoomFailed | |
CKazv::JoinRoomSuccessful | |
CKazv::JsonWrap | |
CKazv::KeyOfDecryptedEvent | |
CKazv::KeyOfGroupSession | |
CKazv::KeyOfOutboundSession | |
CKazv::KeyOfState | |
CKazv::KickAction | |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::KnockedRoom | Synchronise the client's state with the latest state on the server |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::KnockState | The stripped state of a room that the user has knocked upon |
CKazv::LeaveRoomAction | |
CKazv::LeaveRoomFailed | |
CKazv::LeaveRoomSuccessful | |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::LeftRoom | Synchronise the client's state with the latest state on the server |
CKazv::LocalEchoDesc | Describes a local echo |
CKazv::LoginAction | |
CKazv::LoginFailed | |
CKazv::Api::GetLoginFlowsJob::LoginFlow | Gets the homeserver's supported login types to authenticate users |
CKazv::LoginSuccessful | |
CKazv::LogoutAction | |
CKazv::ClientModel::MakeJobT< Job > | |
CKazv::MarkMembersFullyLoadedAction | |
CKazv::MaybeAddStateEventsAction | Go from the back of stateEvents to the beginning, adding the event to room state only if the room has no state event with that state key |
CKazv::MegOlmSessionRotateDesc | |
CKazv::NotBut | |
CKazv::Api::GetNotificationsJob::Notification | This API is used to paginate through the list of events that the user has been, or would have been notified about |
CKazv::NotificationHandler | A class to handle a notification |
CKazv::Null | |
CKazv::Api::OpenIdCredentials | |
►Cstd::optional | |
CKazv::Maybe< T > | |
CKazv::OutboundGroupSession | |
CKazv::OutboundGroupSessionPrivate | |
CKazv::OutboundSessionTag | |
CKazv::PaginateFailed | |
CKazv::PaginateSuccessful | |
CKazv::PaginateTimelineAction | |
CKazv::Api::InitialSyncJob::PaginationChunk | The pagination chunk for this room |
CKazv::Api::RoomInitialSyncJob::PaginationChunk | The pagination chunk for this room |
CKazv::PendingRoomKeyEvent | |
CKazv::BaseJob::Post | |
CKazv::PostInitialFiltersAction | |
CKazv::PostInitialFiltersFailed | |
CKazv::PostInitialFiltersSuccessful | |
CKazv::PostReceiptAction | |
CKazv::PostReceiptFailed | |
CKazv::PostReceiptSuccessful | |
CKazv::PowerLevelsDesc | Represent a m.power_levels event |
CKazv::PrepareForSharingRoomKeyAction | Encrypt room key as olm and add it to the room's pending keyshare slots |
CKazv::AES256CTRDesc::Private | |
CKazv::BaseJob::Private | |
CKazv::CprJobHandler::Private | |
CKazv::EncryptedFileDesc::Private | |
CKazv::NotificationHandler::Private | |
CKazv::PowerLevelsDesc::Private | |
CKazv::SHA256Desc::Private | |
CKazv::ProcessResponseAction | |
CPromise< T > | A Promise represents an asynchronous result that can be fetched later |
CKazv::PromiseInterface< DeriveT, PromiseT > | |
►CKazv::PromiseInterface< AsioPromiseHandler< Exec >, detail::AsioPromiseHelper< Exec >::template PromiseType > | |
CKazv::AsioPromiseHandler< Exec > | |
CKazv::Api::ProtocolInstance | |
CKazv::Api::PublicRoomsChunk | |
CKazv::PushAction | Describe what actions are to be taken for a specific event |
CKazv::Api::PushCondition | |
CKazv::Api::GetPushersJob::Pusher | Gets all currently active pushers for the authenticated user |
CKazv::Api::GetPushersJob::PusherData | A dictionary of information for the pusher implementation itself |
CKazv::Api::PostPusherJob::PusherData | A dictionary of information for the pusher implementation itself |
CKazv::Api::PushRule | |
CKazv::PushRulesDesc | |
CKazv::PushRulesDescPrivate | |
CKazv::Api::PushRuleset | |
CKazv::BaseJob::Put | |
CKazv::QueryKeysAction | |
CKazv::RandomDeviceGenerator | A movable wrapper around std::random_device |
CKazv::RandomInterface | |
CKazv::RandomTag | The tag to indicate that a constructor should use user-provided random data |
CRangeT< T > | A RangeT is an ordered collection that can be iterated through |
CKazv::ReadReceipt | |
CKazv::ReceivingAccountDataEvent | |
CKazv::ReceivingPresenceEvent | |
CKazv::ReceivingRoomAccountDataEvent | |
CKazv::ReceivingRoomStateEvent | |
CKazv::ReceivingRoomTimelineEvent | |
CKazv::ReceivingToDeviceMessage | |
CKazv::RedactEventAction | |
CKazv::RemoveLocalEchoAction | |
CKazv::RemovePendingRoomKeyAction | |
CKazv::RemoveReadLocalNotificationsAction | Remove local notifications that are already read |
►CKazv::Api::RequestEmailValidation | |
CKazv::Api::EmailValidationData | |
►CKazv::Api::RequestMsisdnValidation | |
CKazv::Api::MsisdnValidationData | |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenResponse | |
►CKazv::Response | |
CKazv::Api::Add3PIDJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::BanJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::Bind3PIDJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::ChangePasswordJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::ClaimKeysJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::CreateRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::DeactivateAccountJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::DefineFilterJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::Delete3pidFromAccountJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::DeleteDeviceJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::DeleteDevicesJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::DeletePushRuleJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::DeleteRoomAliasJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::DeleteRoomTagJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::ForgetRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetAccount3PIDsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetAccountDataJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetAccountDataPerRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetAvatarUrlJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetCapabilitiesJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetConfigJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetContentJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetContentOverrideNameJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetContentThumbnailJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetDeviceJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetDevicesJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetDisplayNameJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetEventContextJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetEventsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetFilterJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetJoinedRoomsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetKeysChangesJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetLocalAliasesJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetLoginFlowsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetMembersByRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetNotificationsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetOneEventJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetOneRoomEventJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetPresenceJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetProtocolMetadataJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetProtocolsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetPublicRoomsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetPushRuleActionsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetPushRuleJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetPushRulesJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetPushersJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomEventsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomIdByAliasJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomStateJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomStateWithKeyJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomTagsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetSpaceHierarchyJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetTokenOwnerJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetTurnServerJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetUrlPreviewJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetUserProfileJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetVersionsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetWellknownJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::GetWhoIsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::InitialSyncJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::InviteBy3PIDJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::InviteUserJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::IsPushRuleEnabledJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::JoinRoomByIdJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::JoinRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::KickJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::KnockRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::LeaveRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::LoginJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::LogoutAllJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::LogoutJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::PeekEventsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::Post3PIDsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::PostPusherJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::PostReceiptJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::QueryKeysJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::QueryLocationByAliasJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::QueryLocationByProtocolJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::QueryPublicRoomsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::QueryUserByIDJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::QueryUserByProtocolJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RedactEventJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RefreshJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RegisterJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RegistrationTokenValidityJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::ReportContentJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RequestOpenIdTokenJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::RoomInitialSyncJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SearchUserDirectoryJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SendMessageJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SendToDeviceJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetAccountDataJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetAccountDataPerRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetAvatarUrlJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetDisplayNameJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetPresenceJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetPushRuleActionsJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetPushRuleEnabledJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetPushRuleJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetReadMarkerJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomAliasJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomStateWithKeyJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomTagJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SetTypingJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UnbanJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::Unbind3pidFromAccountJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UpdateDeviceJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UpgradeRoomJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UploadContentJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UploadCrossSigningKeysJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UploadKeysJob::JobResponse | |
CKazv::ResubmitJobAction | |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::Result | The result object |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::ResultCategories | Describes which categories to search in and their criteria |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::ResultRoomEvents | Mapping of category name to search criteria |
CKazv::Room | Represent a Matrix room |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::RoomEventsCriteria | Mapping of category name to search criteria |
CKazv::Api::RoomFilter | Filters to be applied to room data |
CKazv::Api::InitialSyncJob::RoomInfo | This returns the full state for this user, with an optional limit on the number of messages per room to return |
CKazv::RoomListModel | |
CKazv::Api::GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob::RoomMember | This API returns a map of MXIDs to member info objects for members of the room. The current user must be in the room for it to work, unless it is an Application Service in which case any of the AS's users must be in the room. This API is primarily for Application Services and should be faster to respond than /members as it can be implemented more efficiently on the server |
CKazv::RoomMembershipChanged | |
CKazv::RoomModel | |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::Rooms | Updates to rooms |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::RoomSummary | Information about the room which clients may need to correctly render it to users |
CKazv::Api::GetCapabilitiesJob::RoomVersionsCapability | The room versions the server supports |
CKazv::SaveLocalEchoAction | Saves an local echo |
CKazv::Sdk< EventLoop, Xform, Enhancers > | Contain the single source of truth of a matrix sdk |
CKazv::SdkModel | |
CKazv::SdkModelCursorTag | |
CKazv::SendMessageAction | |
CKazv::SendMessageFailed | |
CKazv::SendMessageSuccessful | |
CKazv::SendMultipleToDeviceMessagesAction | Send multiple to device messages |
CKazv::SendStateEventAction | |
CKazv::SendStateEventFailed | |
CKazv::SendStateEventSuccessful | |
CKazv::SendToDeviceMessageAction | |
CKazv::SendToDeviceMessageFailed | |
CKazv::SendToDeviceMessageSuccessful | |
CKazv::Session | |
CKazv::Api::GetWhoIsJob::SessionInfo | Gets information about a particular user |
CKazv::SessionPrivate | |
CKazv::SetAccountDataAction | |
CKazv::SetAccountDataPerRoomAction | |
CKazv::SetAvatarUrlAction | |
CKazv::SetDeviceTrustLevelAction | |
CKazv::SetDisplayNameAction | |
CKazv::SetHeroIdsAction | |
CKazv::SetLocalDraftAction | |
CKazv::SetReadMarkerAction | |
CKazv::SetReadMarkerFailed | |
CKazv::SetReadMarkerSuccessful | |
CKazv::SetRoomEncryptionAction | |
CKazv::SetShouldSyncAction | |
CKazv::SetTrustLevelNeededToSendKeysAction | |
CKazv::SetTypingAction | |
CKazv::SetTypingFailed | |
CKazv::SetTypingSuccessful | |
CKazv::SHA256Desc | |
CKazv::ShouldQueryKeys | |
CKazv::SingleTypePromiseInterface< T > | |
CKazv::SingleTypePromiseInterface< RetType > | |
CKazv::Api::CreateRoomJob::StateEvent | Create a new room with various configuration options |
CKazv::Api::StateEventBatch | |
CKazv::StoreBase< Action, EffectRetType, Model, Reducer, Deps, Tag > | |
CKazv::SyncAction | |
CKazv::SyncFailed | |
CKazv::SyncSuccessful | |
CKazv::Api::GetRoomTagsJob::Tag | List the tags set by a user on a room |
CKazv::Api::GetAccount3PIDsJob::ThirdPartyIdentifier | Gets a list of the third party identifiers that the homeserver has associated with the user's account |
CKazv::Api::ThirdPartyLocation | |
CKazv::Api::ThirdPartyProtocol | |
CKazv::Api::ThirdPartySigned | A signature of an m.third_party_invite token to prove that this user owns a third party identity which has been invited to the room |
CKazv::Api::ThirdPartyUser | |
CKazv::Api::Post3PIDsJob::ThreePidCredentials | The third party credentials to associate with the account |
CKazv::Api::Timeline | |
CKazv::TokenLoginAction | |
►CKazv::TypelessPromise | |
►CKazv::AbstractPromise< detail::AsioPromiseHelper< Exec >::template PromiseType, T > | |
CKazv::AsioPromise< Exec, T > | |
CKazv::AbstractPromise< DeriveT, T > | |
CKazv::SingleTypePromise< T > | |
CKazv::UnbanAction | |
CKazv::Api::SyncJob::UnreadNotificationCounts | Counts of unread notifications for this room |
CKazv::UnrecognizedResponse | |
CKazv::Api::UnsignedData | Contains optional extra information about the event |
CKazv::Api::QueryKeysJob::UnsignedDeviceInfo | Additional data added to the device key information by intermediate servers, and not covered by the signatures |
CKazv::UpdateInvitedMemberCountAction | |
CKazv::UpdateJoinedMemberCountAction | |
CKazv::UpdateLocalEchoStatusAction | Updates the status of an local echo |
CKazv::UpdateLocalReadMarkerAction | Update the local read marker, removing any read notifications before it |
CKazv::UpdateRoomAction | |
CKazv::UploadContentAction | |
CKazv::UploadContentFailed | |
CKazv::UploadContentSuccessful | |
CKazv::UploadIdentityKeysAction | |
CKazv::UploadIdentityKeysFailed | |
CKazv::UploadIdentityKeysSuccessful | |
CKazv::UploadOneTimeKeysFailed | |
CKazv::UploadOneTimeKeysSuccessful | |
CKazv::Api::SearchUserDirectoryJob::User | Performs a search for users |
CKazv::Api::UserIdentifier | Identification information for a user |
CKazv::Api::SearchJob::UserProfile | Performs a full text search across different categories |
►Cstd::vector | |
CKazv::BaseJob::Query | |
CKazv::LagerStoreEventEmitter::Watchable | |