Classes | |
struct | ThirdPartyLocation |
struct | FieldType |
Definition of valid values for a field. More... | |
struct | ProtocolInstance |
struct | ThirdPartyProtocol |
struct | ThirdPartyUser |
class | SetAccountDataJob |
Set some account_data for the user. More... | |
class | GetAccountDataJob |
Get some account_data for the user. More... | |
class | SetAccountDataPerRoomJob |
Set some account_data for the user. More... | |
class | GetAccountDataPerRoomJob |
Get some account_data for the user. More... | |
class | GetWhoIsJob |
Gets information about a particular user. More... | |
class | GetAccount3PIDsJob |
Gets a list of a user's third party identifiers. More... | |
class | Post3PIDsJob |
Adds contact information to the user's account. More... | |
class | Add3PIDJob |
Adds contact information to the user's account. More... | |
class | Bind3PIDJob |
Binds a 3PID to the user's account through an Identity Service. More... | |
class | Delete3pidFromAccountJob |
Deletes a third party identifier from the user's account. More... | |
class | Unbind3pidFromAccountJob |
Removes a user's third party identifier from an identity server. More... | |
class | RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob |
Begins the validation process for an email address for association with the user's account. More... | |
class | RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob |
Begins the validation process for a phone number for association with the user's account. More... | |
class | UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob |
Updates a room's visibility in the application service's room directory. More... | |
class | BanJob |
Ban a user in the room. More... | |
class | UnbanJob |
Unban a user from the room. More... | |
class | GetCapabilitiesJob |
Gets information about the server's capabilities. More... | |
class | UploadContentJob |
Upload some content to the content repository. More... | |
class | GetContentJob |
Download content from the content repository. More... | |
class | GetContentOverrideNameJob |
Download content from the content repository overriding the file name. More... | |
class | GetContentThumbnailJob |
Download a thumbnail of content from the content repository. More... | |
class | GetUrlPreviewJob |
Get information about a URL for a client. More... | |
class | GetConfigJob |
Get the configuration for the content repository. More... | |
class | CreateRoomJob |
Create a new room. More... | |
class | UploadCrossSigningKeysJob |
Upload cross-signing keys. More... | |
class | UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob |
Upload cross-signing signatures. More... | |
struct | AuthenticationData |
Used by clients to submit authentication information to the interactive-authentication API. More... | |
struct | Device |
A client device. More... | |
struct | UnsignedData |
Contains optional extra information about the event. More... | |
struct | ClientEventWithoutRoomID |
The format used for events when they are returned from API endpoints such as /sync , where the room_id is implied elsewhere in the response. More... | |
struct | CrossSigningKey |
Cross signing key. More... | |
struct | DeviceKeys |
Device identity keys. More... | |
struct | EventBatch |
struct | EventFilter |
struct | OpenIdCredentials |
struct | PublicRoomsChunk |
struct | PushCondition |
struct | PushRule |
struct | PushRuleset |
struct | EmailValidationData |
struct | MsisdnValidationData |
struct | RequestTokenResponse |
struct | RoomEventFilter |
struct | StateEventBatch |
struct | RoomFilter |
Filters to be applied to room data. More... | |
struct | Filter |
struct | ThirdPartySigned |
A signature of an m.third_party_invite token to prove that this user owns a third party identity which has been invited to the room. More... | |
struct | Timeline |
struct | UserIdentifier |
Identification information for a user. More... | |
struct | DiscoveryInformation |
Used by clients to determine the homeserver, identity server, and other optional components they should be interacting with. More... | |
struct | HomeserverInformation |
Used by clients to discover homeserver information. More... | |
struct | IdentityServerInformation |
Used by clients to discover identity server information. More... | |
class | GetDevicesJob |
List registered devices for the current user. More... | |
class | GetDeviceJob |
Get a single device. More... | |
class | UpdateDeviceJob |
Update a device. More... | |
class | DeleteDeviceJob |
Delete a device. More... | |
class | DeleteDevicesJob |
Bulk deletion of devices. More... | |
class | SetRoomAliasJob |
Create a new mapping from room alias to room ID. More... | |
class | GetRoomIdByAliasJob |
Get the room ID corresponding to this room alias. More... | |
class | DeleteRoomAliasJob |
Remove a mapping of room alias to room ID. More... | |
class | GetLocalAliasesJob |
Get a list of local aliases on a given room. More... | |
class | GetEventContextJob |
Get events and state around the specified event. More... | |
class | DefineFilterJob |
Upload a new filter. More... | |
class | GetFilterJob |
Download a filter. More... | |
class | InviteUserJob |
Invite a user to participate in a particular room. More... | |
class | JoinRoomByIdJob |
Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. More... | |
class | JoinRoomJob |
Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. More... | |
class | UploadKeysJob |
Upload end-to-end encryption keys. More... | |
class | QueryKeysJob |
Download device identity keys. More... | |
class | ClaimKeysJob |
Claim one-time encryption keys. More... | |
class | GetKeysChangesJob |
Query users with recent device key updates. More... | |
class | KickJob |
Kick a user from the room. More... | |
class | KnockRoomJob |
Knock on a room, requesting permission to join. More... | |
class | LeaveRoomJob |
Stop the requesting user participating in a particular room. More... | |
class | ForgetRoomJob |
Stop the requesting user remembering about a particular room. More... | |
class | GetJoinedRoomsJob |
Lists the user's current rooms. More... | |
class | GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob |
Gets the visibility of a room in the directory. More... | |
class | SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob |
Sets the visibility of a room in the room directory. More... | |
class | GetPublicRoomsJob |
Lists the public rooms on the server. More... | |
class | QueryPublicRoomsJob |
Lists the public rooms on the server with optional filter. More... | |
class | GetLoginFlowsJob |
Get the supported login types to authenticate users. More... | |
class | LoginJob |
Authenticates the user. More... | |
class | LogoutJob |
Invalidates a user access token. More... | |
class | LogoutAllJob |
Invalidates all access tokens for a user. More... | |
class | GetRoomEventsJob |
Get a list of events for this room. More... | |
class | GetNotificationsJob |
Gets a list of events that the user has been notified about. More... | |
class | GetEventsJob |
Listen on the event stream. More... | |
class | InitialSyncJob |
Get the user's current state. More... | |
class | GetOneEventJob |
Get a single event by event ID. More... | |
class | RequestOpenIdTokenJob |
Get an OpenID token object to verify the requester's identity. More... | |
class | PeekEventsJob |
Listen on the event stream of a particular room. More... | |
class | SetPresenceJob |
Update this user's presence state. More... | |
class | GetPresenceJob |
Get this user's presence state. More... | |
class | SetDisplayNameJob |
Set the user's display name. More... | |
class | GetDisplayNameJob |
Get the user's display name. More... | |
class | SetAvatarUrlJob |
Set the user's avatar URL. More... | |
class | GetAvatarUrlJob |
Get the user's avatar URL. More... | |
class | GetUserProfileJob |
Get this user's profile information. More... | |
class | GetPushersJob |
Gets the current pushers for the authenticated user. More... | |
class | PostPusherJob |
Modify a pusher for this user on the homeserver. More... | |
class | GetPushRulesJob |
Retrieve all push rulesets. More... | |
class | GetPushRuleJob |
Retrieve a push rule. More... | |
class | DeletePushRuleJob |
Delete a push rule. More... | |
class | SetPushRuleJob |
Add or change a push rule. More... | |
class | IsPushRuleEnabledJob |
Get whether a push rule is enabled. More... | |
class | SetPushRuleEnabledJob |
Enable or disable a push rule. More... | |
class | GetPushRuleActionsJob |
The actions for a push rule. More... | |
class | SetPushRuleActionsJob |
Set the actions for a push rule. More... | |
class | SetReadMarkerJob |
Set the position of the read marker for a room. More... | |
class | PostReceiptJob |
Send a receipt for the given event ID. More... | |
class | RedactEventJob |
Strips all non-integrity-critical information out of an event. More... | |
class | RefreshJob |
Refresh an access token. More... | |
class | RegisterJob |
Register for an account on this homeserver. More... | |
class | RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob |
Begins the validation process for an email to be used during registration. More... | |
class | RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob |
Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of registering an account. More... | |
class | ChangePasswordJob |
Changes a user's password. More... | |
class | RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob |
Requests a validation token be sent to the given email address for the purpose of resetting a user's password. More... | |
class | RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob |
Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of resetting a user's password. More... | |
class | DeactivateAccountJob |
Deactivate a user's account. More... | |
class | CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob |
Checks to see if a username is available on the server. More... | |
class | RegistrationTokenValidityJob |
Query if a given registration token is still valid. More... | |
class | GetRelatingEventsJob |
Get the child events for a given parent event. More... | |
class | GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob |
Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType . More... | |
class | GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob |
Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType and eventType . More... | |
class | ReportContentJob |
Reports an event as inappropriate. More... | |
class | RoomInitialSyncJob |
Snapshot the current state of a room and its most recent messages. More... | |
class | SendMessageJob |
Send a message event to the given room. More... | |
class | SetRoomStateWithKeyJob |
Send a state event to the given room. More... | |
class | UpgradeRoomJob |
Upgrades a room to a new room version. More... | |
class | GetOneRoomEventJob |
Get a single event by event ID. More... | |
class | GetRoomStateWithKeyJob |
Get the state identified by the type and key. More... | |
class | GetRoomStateJob |
Get all state events in the current state of a room. More... | |
class | GetMembersByRoomJob |
Get the events for the room. More... | |
class | GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob |
Gets the list of currently joined users and their profile data. More... | |
class | SearchJob |
Perform a server-side search. More... | |
class | GetSpaceHierarchyJob |
Retrieve a portion of a space tree. More... | |
class | RedirectToSSOJob |
Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface. More... | |
class | RedirectToIdPJob |
Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface for an IdP. More... | |
class | SyncJob |
Synchronise the client's state and receive new messages. More... | |
class | GetRoomTagsJob |
List the tags for a room. More... | |
class | SetRoomTagJob |
Add a tag to a room. More... | |
class | DeleteRoomTagJob |
Remove a tag from the room. More... | |
class | GetProtocolsJob |
Retrieve metadata about all protocols that a homeserver supports. More... | |
class | GetProtocolMetadataJob |
Retrieve metadata about a specific protocol that the homeserver supports. More... | |
class | QueryLocationByProtocolJob |
Retrieve Matrix-side portals rooms leading to a third party location. More... | |
class | QueryUserByProtocolJob |
Retrieve the Matrix User ID of a corresponding third party user. More... | |
class | QueryLocationByAliasJob |
Reverse-lookup third party locations given a Matrix room alias. More... | |
class | QueryUserByIDJob |
Reverse-lookup third party users given a Matrix User ID. More... | |
class | InviteBy3PIDJob |
Invite a user to participate in a particular room. More... | |
class | SendToDeviceJob |
Send an event to a given set of devices. More... | |
class | SetTypingJob |
Informs the server that the user has started or stopped typing. More... | |
class | SearchUserDirectoryJob |
Searches the user directory. More... | |
class | GetVersionsJob |
Gets the versions of the specification supported by the server. More... | |
class | GetTurnServerJob |
Obtain TURN server credentials. More... | |
class | GetWellknownJob |
Gets Matrix server discovery information about the domain. More... | |
class | GetTokenOwnerJob |
Gets information about the owner of an access token. More... | |
struct | RequestEmailValidation |
struct | RequestMsisdnValidation |
using Kazv::Api::Add3PIDResponse = typedef Add3PIDJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::BanResponse = typedef BanJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::Bind3PIDResponse = typedef Bind3PIDJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::ChangePasswordResponse = typedef ChangePasswordJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::CheckUsernameAvailabilityResponse = typedef CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::ClaimKeysResponse = typedef ClaimKeysJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::CreateRoomResponse = typedef CreateRoomJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::DefineFilterResponse = typedef DefineFilterJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::DeleteDeviceResponse = typedef DeleteDeviceJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::DeleteDevicesResponse = typedef DeleteDevicesJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::DeletePushRuleResponse = typedef DeletePushRuleJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::DeleteRoomAliasResponse = typedef DeleteRoomAliasJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::DeleteRoomTagResponse = typedef DeleteRoomTagJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::ForgetRoomResponse = typedef ForgetRoomJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetAccount3PIDsResponse = typedef GetAccount3PIDsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetAccountDataResponse = typedef GetAccountDataJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetAvatarUrlResponse = typedef GetAvatarUrlJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetCapabilitiesResponse = typedef GetCapabilitiesJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetConfigResponse = typedef GetConfigJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetContentResponse = typedef GetContentJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetDeviceResponse = typedef GetDeviceJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetDevicesResponse = typedef GetDevicesJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetDisplayNameResponse = typedef GetDisplayNameJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetEventContextResponse = typedef GetEventContextJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetEventsResponse = typedef GetEventsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetFilterResponse = typedef GetFilterJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetJoinedRoomsResponse = typedef GetJoinedRoomsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetKeysChangesResponse = typedef GetKeysChangesJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetLocalAliasesResponse = typedef GetLocalAliasesJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetLoginFlowsResponse = typedef GetLoginFlowsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetMembersByRoomResponse = typedef GetMembersByRoomJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetNotificationsResponse = typedef GetNotificationsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetOneEventResponse = typedef GetOneEventJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetOneRoomEventResponse = typedef GetOneRoomEventJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetPresenceResponse = typedef GetPresenceJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetProtocolsResponse = typedef GetProtocolsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetPublicRoomsResponse = typedef GetPublicRoomsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetPushersResponse = typedef GetPushersJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetPushRuleResponse = typedef GetPushRuleJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetPushRulesResponse = typedef GetPushRulesJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeResponse = typedef GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeResponse = typedef GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetRoomEventsResponse = typedef GetRoomEventsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetRoomIdByAliasResponse = typedef GetRoomIdByAliasJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetRoomStateResponse = typedef GetRoomStateJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetRoomTagsResponse = typedef GetRoomTagsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryResponse = typedef GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetTokenOwnerResponse = typedef GetTokenOwnerJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetTurnServerResponse = typedef GetTurnServerJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetUrlPreviewResponse = typedef GetUrlPreviewJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetUserProfileResponse = typedef GetUserProfileJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetVersionsResponse = typedef GetVersionsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetWellknownResponse = typedef GetWellknownJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::GetWhoIsResponse = typedef GetWhoIsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::InitialSyncResponse = typedef InitialSyncJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::InviteBy3PIDResponse = typedef InviteBy3PIDJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::InviteUserResponse = typedef InviteUserJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::JoinRoomByIdResponse = typedef JoinRoomByIdJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::JoinRoomResponse = typedef JoinRoomJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::KickResponse = typedef KickJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::KnockRoomResponse = typedef KnockRoomJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::LeaveRoomResponse = typedef LeaveRoomJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::LoginResponse = typedef LoginJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::LogoutAllResponse = typedef LogoutAllJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::LogoutResponse = typedef LogoutJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::PeekEventsResponse = typedef PeekEventsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::Post3PIDsResponse = typedef Post3PIDsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::PostPusherResponse = typedef PostPusherJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::PostReceiptResponse = typedef PostReceiptJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::QueryKeysResponse = typedef QueryKeysJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::QueryPublicRoomsResponse = typedef QueryPublicRoomsJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::QueryUserByIDResponse = typedef QueryUserByIDJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RedactEventResponse = typedef RedactEventJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RefreshResponse = typedef RefreshJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RegisterResponse = typedef RegisterJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RegistrationTokenValidityResponse = typedef RegistrationTokenValidityJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::ReportContentResponse = typedef ReportContentJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNResponse = typedef RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RequestTokenToRegisterEmailResponse = typedef RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNResponse = typedef RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailResponse = typedef RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNResponse = typedef RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::RoomInitialSyncResponse = typedef RoomInitialSyncJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SearchResponse = typedef SearchJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SendMessageResponse = typedef SendMessageJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SendToDeviceResponse = typedef SendToDeviceJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetAccountDataResponse = typedef SetAccountDataJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetAvatarUrlResponse = typedef SetAvatarUrlJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetDisplayNameResponse = typedef SetDisplayNameJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetPresenceResponse = typedef SetPresenceJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetPushRuleResponse = typedef SetPushRuleJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetReadMarkerResponse = typedef SetReadMarkerJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetRoomAliasResponse = typedef SetRoomAliasJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetRoomTagResponse = typedef SetRoomTagJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryResponse = typedef SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SetTypingResponse = typedef SetTypingJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::SyncResponse = typedef SyncJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::UnbanResponse = typedef UnbanJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityResponse = typedef UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::UpdateDeviceResponse = typedef UpdateDeviceJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::UpgradeRoomResponse = typedef UpgradeRoomJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::UploadContentResponse = typedef UploadContentJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::UploadCrossSigningSignaturesResponse = typedef UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob::JobResponse |
using Kazv::Api::UploadKeysResponse = typedef UploadKeysJob::JobResponse |