Kazv::Api Namespace Reference


class  Add3PIDJob
 Adds contact information to the user's account. More...
struct  AuthenticationData
 Used by clients to submit authentication information to the interactive-authentication API. More...
class  BanJob
 Ban a user in the room. More...
class  Bind3PIDJob
 Binds a 3PID to the user's account through an Identity Service. More...
class  ChangePasswordJob
 Changes a user's password. More...
class  CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob
 Checks to see if a username is available on the server. More...
class  ClaimKeysJob
 Claim one-time encryption keys. More...
struct  ClientEventWithoutRoomID
 The format used for events when they are returned from API endpoints such as /sync, where the room_id is implied elsewhere in the response. More...
class  CreateRoomJob
 Create a new room. More...
struct  CrossSigningKey
 Cross signing key. More...
class  DeactivateAccountJob
 Deactivate a user's account. More...
class  DefineFilterJob
 Upload a new filter. More...
class  Delete3pidFromAccountJob
 Deletes a third party identifier from the user's account. More...
class  DeleteDeviceJob
 Delete a device. More...
class  DeleteDevicesJob
 Bulk deletion of devices. More...
class  DeletePushRuleJob
 Delete a push rule. More...
class  DeleteRoomAliasJob
 Remove a mapping of room alias to room ID. More...
class  DeleteRoomTagJob
 Remove a tag from the room. More...
struct  Device
 A client device. More...
struct  DeviceKeys
 Device identity keys. More...
struct  DiscoveryInformation
 Used by clients to determine the homeserver, identity server, and other optional components they should be interacting with. More...
struct  EmailValidationData
struct  EventBatch
struct  EventFilter
struct  FieldType
 Definition of valid values for a field. More...
struct  Filter
class  ForgetRoomJob
 Stop the requesting user remembering about a particular room. More...
class  GetAccount3PIDsJob
 Gets a list of a user's third party identifiers. More...
class  GetAccountDataJob
 Get some account_data for the user. More...
class  GetAccountDataPerRoomJob
 Get some account_data for the user. More...
class  GetAvatarUrlJob
 Get the user's avatar URL. More...
class  GetCapabilitiesJob
 Gets information about the server's capabilities. More...
class  GetConfigJob
 Get the configuration for the content repository. More...
class  GetContentJob
 Download content from the content repository. More...
class  GetContentOverrideNameJob
 Download content from the content repository overriding the file name. More...
class  GetContentThumbnailJob
 Download a thumbnail of content from the content repository. More...
class  GetDeviceJob
 Get a single device. More...
class  GetDevicesJob
 List registered devices for the current user. More...
class  GetDisplayNameJob
 Get the user's display name. More...
class  GetEventContextJob
 Get events and state around the specified event. More...
class  GetEventsJob
 Listen on the event stream. More...
class  GetFilterJob
 Download a filter. More...
class  GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob
 Gets the list of currently joined users and their profile data. More...
class  GetJoinedRoomsJob
 Lists the user's current rooms. More...
class  GetKeysChangesJob
 Query users with recent device key updates. More...
class  GetLocalAliasesJob
 Get a list of local aliases on a given room. More...
class  GetLoginFlowsJob
 Get the supported login types to authenticate users. More...
class  GetMembersByRoomJob
 Get the events for the room. More...
class  GetNotificationsJob
 Gets a list of events that the user has been notified about. More...
class  GetOneEventJob
 Get a single event by event ID. More...
class  GetOneRoomEventJob
 Get a single event by event ID. More...
class  GetPresenceJob
 Get this user's presence state. More...
class  GetProtocolMetadataJob
 Retrieve metadata about a specific protocol that the homeserver supports. More...
class  GetProtocolsJob
 Retrieve metadata about all protocols that a homeserver supports. More...
class  GetPublicRoomsJob
 Lists the public rooms on the server. More...
class  GetPushersJob
 Gets the current pushers for the authenticated user. More...
class  GetPushRuleActionsJob
 The actions for a push rule. More...
class  GetPushRuleJob
 Retrieve a push rule. More...
class  GetPushRulesJob
 Retrieve all push rulesets. More...
class  GetRelatingEventsJob
 Get the child events for a given parent event. More...
class  GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob
 Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType and eventType. More...
class  GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob
 Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType. More...
class  GetRoomEventsJob
 Get a list of events for this room. More...
class  GetRoomIdByAliasJob
 Get the room ID corresponding to this room alias. More...
class  GetRoomStateJob
 Get all state events in the current state of a room. More...
class  GetRoomStateWithKeyJob
 Get the state identified by the type and key. More...
class  GetRoomTagsJob
 List the tags for a room. More...
class  GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob
 Gets the visibility of a room in the directory. More...
class  GetSpaceHierarchyJob
 Retrieve a portion of a space tree. More...
class  GetTokenOwnerJob
 Gets information about the owner of an access token. More...
class  GetTurnServerJob
 Obtain TURN server credentials. More...
class  GetUrlPreviewJob
 Get information about a URL for a client. More...
class  GetUserProfileJob
 Get this user's profile information. More...
class  GetVersionsJob
 Gets the versions of the specification supported by the server. More...
class  GetWellknownJob
 Gets Matrix server discovery information about the domain. More...
class  GetWhoIsJob
 Gets information about a particular user. More...
struct  HomeserverInformation
 Used by clients to discover homeserver information. More...
struct  IdentityServerInformation
 Used by clients to discover identity server information. More...
class  InitialSyncJob
 Get the user's current state. More...
class  InviteBy3PIDJob
 Invite a user to participate in a particular room. More...
class  InviteUserJob
 Invite a user to participate in a particular room. More...
class  IsPushRuleEnabledJob
 Get whether a push rule is enabled. More...
class  JoinRoomByIdJob
 Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. More...
class  JoinRoomJob
 Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. More...
class  KickJob
 Kick a user from the room. More...
class  KnockRoomJob
 Knock on a room, requesting permission to join. More...
class  LeaveRoomJob
 Stop the requesting user participating in a particular room. More...
class  LoginJob
 Authenticates the user. More...
class  LogoutAllJob
 Invalidates all access tokens for a user. More...
class  LogoutJob
 Invalidates a user access token. More...
struct  MsisdnValidationData
struct  OpenIdCredentials
class  PeekEventsJob
 Listen on the event stream of a particular room. More...
class  Post3PIDsJob
 Adds contact information to the user's account. More...
class  PostPusherJob
 Modify a pusher for this user on the homeserver. More...
class  PostReceiptJob
 Send a receipt for the given event ID. More...
struct  ProtocolInstance
struct  PublicRoomsChunk
struct  PushCondition
struct  PushRule
struct  PushRuleset
class  QueryKeysJob
 Download device identity keys. More...
class  QueryLocationByAliasJob
 Reverse-lookup third party locations given a Matrix room alias. More...
class  QueryLocationByProtocolJob
 Retrieve Matrix-side portals rooms leading to a third party location. More...
class  QueryPublicRoomsJob
 Lists the public rooms on the server with optional filter. More...
class  QueryUserByIDJob
 Reverse-lookup third party users given a Matrix User ID. More...
class  QueryUserByProtocolJob
 Retrieve the Matrix User ID of a corresponding third party user. More...
class  RedactEventJob
 Strips all non-integrity-critical information out of an event. More...
class  RedirectToIdPJob
 Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface for an IdP. More...
class  RedirectToSSOJob
 Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface. More...
class  RefreshJob
 Refresh an access token. More...
class  RegisterJob
 Register for an account on this homeserver. More...
class  RegistrationTokenValidityJob
 Query if a given registration token is still valid. More...
class  ReportContentJob
 Reports an event as inappropriate. More...
struct  RequestEmailValidation
struct  RequestMsisdnValidation
class  RequestOpenIdTokenJob
 Get an OpenID token object to verify the requester's identity. More...
struct  RequestTokenResponse
class  RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob
 Begins the validation process for an email address for association with the user's account. More...
class  RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob
 Begins the validation process for a phone number for association with the user's account. More...
class  RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob
 Begins the validation process for an email to be used during registration. More...
class  RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob
 Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of registering an account. More...
class  RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob
 Requests a validation token be sent to the given email address for the purpose of resetting a user's password. More...
class  RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob
 Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of resetting a user's password. More...
struct  RoomEventFilter
struct  RoomFilter
 Filters to be applied to room data. More...
class  RoomInitialSyncJob
 Snapshot the current state of a room and its most recent messages. More...
class  SearchJob
 Perform a server-side search. More...
class  SearchUserDirectoryJob
 Searches the user directory. More...
class  SendMessageJob
 Send a message event to the given room. More...
class  SendToDeviceJob
 Send an event to a given set of devices. More...
class  SetAccountDataJob
 Set some account_data for the user. More...
class  SetAccountDataPerRoomJob
 Set some account_data for the user. More...
class  SetAvatarUrlJob
 Set the user's avatar URL. More...
class  SetDisplayNameJob
 Set the user's display name. More...
class  SetPresenceJob
 Update this user's presence state. More...
class  SetPushRuleActionsJob
 Set the actions for a push rule. More...
class  SetPushRuleEnabledJob
 Enable or disable a push rule. More...
class  SetPushRuleJob
 Add or change a push rule. More...
class  SetReadMarkerJob
 Set the position of the read marker for a room. More...
class  SetRoomAliasJob
 Create a new mapping from room alias to room ID. More...
class  SetRoomStateWithKeyJob
 Send a state event to the given room. More...
class  SetRoomTagJob
 Add a tag to a room. More...
class  SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob
 Sets the visibility of a room in the room directory. More...
class  SetTypingJob
 Informs the server that the user has started or stopped typing. More...
struct  StateEventBatch
class  SyncJob
 Synchronise the client's state and receive new messages. More...
struct  ThirdPartyLocation
struct  ThirdPartyProtocol
struct  ThirdPartySigned
 A signature of an m.third_party_invite token to prove that this user owns a third party identity which has been invited to the room. More...
struct  ThirdPartyUser
struct  Timeline
class  UnbanJob
 Unban a user from the room. More...
class  Unbind3pidFromAccountJob
 Removes a user's third party identifier from an identity server. More...
struct  UnsignedData
 Contains optional extra information about the event. More...
class  UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob
 Updates a room's visibility in the application service's room directory. More...
class  UpdateDeviceJob
 Update a device. More...
class  UpgradeRoomJob
 Upgrades a room to a new room version. More...
class  UploadContentJob
 Upload some content to the content repository. More...
class  UploadCrossSigningKeysJob
 Upload cross-signing keys. More...
class  UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob
 Upload cross-signing signatures. More...
class  UploadKeysJob
 Upload end-to-end encryption keys. More...
struct  UserIdentifier
 Identification information for a user. More...


using SetAccountDataResponse = SetAccountDataJob::JobResponse
using GetAccountDataResponse = GetAccountDataJob::JobResponse
using SetAccountDataPerRoomResponse = SetAccountDataPerRoomJob::JobResponse
using GetAccountDataPerRoomResponse = GetAccountDataPerRoomJob::JobResponse
using GetWhoIsResponse = GetWhoIsJob::JobResponse
using GetAccount3PIDsResponse = GetAccount3PIDsJob::JobResponse
using Post3PIDsResponse = Post3PIDsJob::JobResponse
using Add3PIDResponse = Add3PIDJob::JobResponse
using Bind3PIDResponse = Bind3PIDJob::JobResponse
using Delete3pidFromAccountResponse = Delete3pidFromAccountJob::JobResponse
using Unbind3pidFromAccountResponse = Unbind3pidFromAccountJob::JobResponse
using RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailResponse = RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob::JobResponse
using RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNResponse = RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob::JobResponse
using UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityResponse = UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob::JobResponse
using BanResponse = BanJob::JobResponse
using UnbanResponse = UnbanJob::JobResponse
using GetCapabilitiesResponse = GetCapabilitiesJob::JobResponse
using UploadContentResponse = UploadContentJob::JobResponse
using GetContentResponse = GetContentJob::JobResponse
using GetContentOverrideNameResponse = GetContentOverrideNameJob::JobResponse
using GetContentThumbnailResponse = GetContentThumbnailJob::JobResponse
using GetUrlPreviewResponse = GetUrlPreviewJob::JobResponse
using GetConfigResponse = GetConfigJob::JobResponse
using CreateRoomResponse = CreateRoomJob::JobResponse
using UploadCrossSigningKeysResponse = UploadCrossSigningKeysJob::JobResponse
using UploadCrossSigningSignaturesResponse = UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob::JobResponse
using GetDevicesResponse = GetDevicesJob::JobResponse
using GetDeviceResponse = GetDeviceJob::JobResponse
using UpdateDeviceResponse = UpdateDeviceJob::JobResponse
using DeleteDeviceResponse = DeleteDeviceJob::JobResponse
using DeleteDevicesResponse = DeleteDevicesJob::JobResponse
using SetRoomAliasResponse = SetRoomAliasJob::JobResponse
using GetRoomIdByAliasResponse = GetRoomIdByAliasJob::JobResponse
using DeleteRoomAliasResponse = DeleteRoomAliasJob::JobResponse
using GetLocalAliasesResponse = GetLocalAliasesJob::JobResponse
using GetEventContextResponse = GetEventContextJob::JobResponse
using DefineFilterResponse = DefineFilterJob::JobResponse
using GetFilterResponse = GetFilterJob::JobResponse
using InviteUserResponse = InviteUserJob::JobResponse
using JoinRoomByIdResponse = JoinRoomByIdJob::JobResponse
using JoinRoomResponse = JoinRoomJob::JobResponse
using UploadKeysResponse = UploadKeysJob::JobResponse
using QueryKeysResponse = QueryKeysJob::JobResponse
using ClaimKeysResponse = ClaimKeysJob::JobResponse
using GetKeysChangesResponse = GetKeysChangesJob::JobResponse
using KickResponse = KickJob::JobResponse
using KnockRoomResponse = KnockRoomJob::JobResponse
using LeaveRoomResponse = LeaveRoomJob::JobResponse
using ForgetRoomResponse = ForgetRoomJob::JobResponse
using GetJoinedRoomsResponse = GetJoinedRoomsJob::JobResponse
using GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryResponse = GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob::JobResponse
using SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryResponse = SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob::JobResponse
using GetPublicRoomsResponse = GetPublicRoomsJob::JobResponse
using QueryPublicRoomsResponse = QueryPublicRoomsJob::JobResponse
using GetLoginFlowsResponse = GetLoginFlowsJob::JobResponse
using LoginResponse = LoginJob::JobResponse
using LogoutResponse = LogoutJob::JobResponse
using LogoutAllResponse = LogoutAllJob::JobResponse
using GetRoomEventsResponse = GetRoomEventsJob::JobResponse
using GetNotificationsResponse = GetNotificationsJob::JobResponse
using GetEventsResponse = GetEventsJob::JobResponse
using InitialSyncResponse = InitialSyncJob::JobResponse
using GetOneEventResponse = GetOneEventJob::JobResponse
using RequestOpenIdTokenResponse = RequestOpenIdTokenJob::JobResponse
using PeekEventsResponse = PeekEventsJob::JobResponse
using SetPresenceResponse = SetPresenceJob::JobResponse
using GetPresenceResponse = GetPresenceJob::JobResponse
using SetDisplayNameResponse = SetDisplayNameJob::JobResponse
using GetDisplayNameResponse = GetDisplayNameJob::JobResponse
using SetAvatarUrlResponse = SetAvatarUrlJob::JobResponse
using GetAvatarUrlResponse = GetAvatarUrlJob::JobResponse
using GetUserProfileResponse = GetUserProfileJob::JobResponse
using GetPushersResponse = GetPushersJob::JobResponse
using PostPusherResponse = PostPusherJob::JobResponse
using GetPushRulesResponse = GetPushRulesJob::JobResponse
using GetPushRuleResponse = GetPushRuleJob::JobResponse
using DeletePushRuleResponse = DeletePushRuleJob::JobResponse
using SetPushRuleResponse = SetPushRuleJob::JobResponse
using IsPushRuleEnabledResponse = IsPushRuleEnabledJob::JobResponse
using SetPushRuleEnabledResponse = SetPushRuleEnabledJob::JobResponse
using GetPushRuleActionsResponse = GetPushRuleActionsJob::JobResponse
using SetPushRuleActionsResponse = SetPushRuleActionsJob::JobResponse
using SetReadMarkerResponse = SetReadMarkerJob::JobResponse
using PostReceiptResponse = PostReceiptJob::JobResponse
using RedactEventResponse = RedactEventJob::JobResponse
using RefreshResponse = RefreshJob::JobResponse
using RegisterResponse = RegisterJob::JobResponse
using RequestTokenToRegisterEmailResponse = RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob::JobResponse
using RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNResponse = RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob::JobResponse
using ChangePasswordResponse = ChangePasswordJob::JobResponse
using RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailResponse = RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob::JobResponse
using RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNResponse = RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob::JobResponse
using DeactivateAccountResponse = DeactivateAccountJob::JobResponse
using CheckUsernameAvailabilityResponse = CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob::JobResponse
using RegistrationTokenValidityResponse = RegistrationTokenValidityJob::JobResponse
using GetRelatingEventsResponse = GetRelatingEventsJob::JobResponse
using GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeResponse = GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob::JobResponse
using GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeResponse = GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob::JobResponse
using ReportContentResponse = ReportContentJob::JobResponse
using RoomInitialSyncResponse = RoomInitialSyncJob::JobResponse
using SendMessageResponse = SendMessageJob::JobResponse
using SetRoomStateWithKeyResponse = SetRoomStateWithKeyJob::JobResponse
using UpgradeRoomResponse = UpgradeRoomJob::JobResponse
using GetOneRoomEventResponse = GetOneRoomEventJob::JobResponse
using GetRoomStateWithKeyResponse = GetRoomStateWithKeyJob::JobResponse
using GetRoomStateResponse = GetRoomStateJob::JobResponse
using GetMembersByRoomResponse = GetMembersByRoomJob::JobResponse
using GetJoinedMembersByRoomResponse = GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob::JobResponse
using SearchResponse = SearchJob::JobResponse
using GetSpaceHierarchyResponse = GetSpaceHierarchyJob::JobResponse
using SyncResponse = SyncJob::JobResponse
using GetRoomTagsResponse = GetRoomTagsJob::JobResponse
using SetRoomTagResponse = SetRoomTagJob::JobResponse
using DeleteRoomTagResponse = DeleteRoomTagJob::JobResponse
using GetProtocolsResponse = GetProtocolsJob::JobResponse
using GetProtocolMetadataResponse = GetProtocolMetadataJob::JobResponse
using QueryLocationByProtocolResponse = QueryLocationByProtocolJob::JobResponse
using QueryUserByProtocolResponse = QueryUserByProtocolJob::JobResponse
using QueryLocationByAliasResponse = QueryLocationByAliasJob::JobResponse
using QueryUserByIDResponse = QueryUserByIDJob::JobResponse
using InviteBy3PIDResponse = InviteBy3PIDJob::JobResponse
using SendToDeviceResponse = SendToDeviceJob::JobResponse
using SetTypingResponse = SetTypingJob::JobResponse
using SearchUserDirectoryResponse = SearchUserDirectoryJob::JobResponse
using GetVersionsResponse = GetVersionsJob::JobResponse
using GetTurnServerResponse = GetTurnServerJob::JobResponse
using GetWellknownResponse = GetWellknownJob::JobResponse
using GetTokenOwnerResponse = GetTokenOwnerJob::JobResponse

Typedef Documentation

◆ Add3PIDResponse

◆ BanResponse

◆ Bind3PIDResponse

◆ ChangePasswordResponse

◆ CheckUsernameAvailabilityResponse

◆ ClaimKeysResponse

◆ CreateRoomResponse

◆ DeactivateAccountResponse

◆ DefineFilterResponse

◆ Delete3pidFromAccountResponse

◆ DeleteDeviceResponse

◆ DeleteDevicesResponse

◆ DeletePushRuleResponse

◆ DeleteRoomAliasResponse

◆ DeleteRoomTagResponse

◆ ForgetRoomResponse

◆ GetAccount3PIDsResponse

◆ GetAccountDataPerRoomResponse

◆ GetAccountDataResponse

◆ GetAvatarUrlResponse

◆ GetCapabilitiesResponse

◆ GetConfigResponse

◆ GetContentOverrideNameResponse

◆ GetContentResponse

◆ GetContentThumbnailResponse

◆ GetDeviceResponse

◆ GetDevicesResponse

◆ GetDisplayNameResponse

◆ GetEventContextResponse

◆ GetEventsResponse

◆ GetFilterResponse

◆ GetJoinedMembersByRoomResponse

◆ GetJoinedRoomsResponse

◆ GetKeysChangesResponse

◆ GetLocalAliasesResponse

◆ GetLoginFlowsResponse

◆ GetMembersByRoomResponse

◆ GetNotificationsResponse

◆ GetOneEventResponse

◆ GetOneRoomEventResponse

◆ GetPresenceResponse

◆ GetProtocolMetadataResponse

◆ GetProtocolsResponse

◆ GetPublicRoomsResponse

◆ GetPushersResponse

◆ GetPushRuleActionsResponse

◆ GetPushRuleResponse

◆ GetPushRulesResponse

◆ GetRelatingEventsResponse

◆ GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeResponse

◆ GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeResponse

◆ GetRoomEventsResponse

◆ GetRoomIdByAliasResponse

◆ GetRoomStateResponse

◆ GetRoomStateWithKeyResponse

◆ GetRoomTagsResponse

◆ GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryResponse

◆ GetSpaceHierarchyResponse

◆ GetTokenOwnerResponse

◆ GetTurnServerResponse

◆ GetUrlPreviewResponse

◆ GetUserProfileResponse

◆ GetVersionsResponse

◆ GetWellknownResponse

◆ GetWhoIsResponse

◆ InitialSyncResponse

◆ InviteBy3PIDResponse

◆ InviteUserResponse

◆ IsPushRuleEnabledResponse

◆ JoinRoomByIdResponse

◆ JoinRoomResponse

◆ KickResponse

◆ KnockRoomResponse

◆ LeaveRoomResponse

◆ LoginResponse

◆ LogoutAllResponse

◆ LogoutResponse

◆ PeekEventsResponse

◆ Post3PIDsResponse

◆ PostPusherResponse

◆ PostReceiptResponse

◆ QueryKeysResponse

◆ QueryLocationByAliasResponse

◆ QueryLocationByProtocolResponse

◆ QueryPublicRoomsResponse

◆ QueryUserByIDResponse

◆ QueryUserByProtocolResponse

◆ RedactEventResponse

◆ RefreshResponse

◆ RegisterResponse

◆ RegistrationTokenValidityResponse

◆ ReportContentResponse

◆ RequestOpenIdTokenResponse

◆ RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailResponse

◆ RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNResponse

◆ RequestTokenToRegisterEmailResponse

◆ RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNResponse

◆ RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailResponse

◆ RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNResponse

◆ RoomInitialSyncResponse

◆ SearchResponse

◆ SearchUserDirectoryResponse

◆ SendMessageResponse

◆ SendToDeviceResponse

◆ SetAccountDataPerRoomResponse

◆ SetAccountDataResponse

◆ SetAvatarUrlResponse

◆ SetDisplayNameResponse

◆ SetPresenceResponse

◆ SetPushRuleActionsResponse

◆ SetPushRuleEnabledResponse

◆ SetPushRuleResponse

◆ SetReadMarkerResponse

◆ SetRoomAliasResponse

◆ SetRoomStateWithKeyResponse

◆ SetRoomTagResponse

◆ SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryResponse

◆ SetTypingResponse

◆ SyncResponse

◆ UnbanResponse

◆ Unbind3pidFromAccountResponse

◆ UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityResponse

◆ UpdateDeviceResponse

◆ UpgradeRoomResponse

◆ UploadContentResponse

◆ UploadCrossSigningKeysResponse

◆ UploadCrossSigningSignaturesResponse

◆ UploadKeysResponse