Kazv Namespace Reference




class  AbstractPromise
struct  AddAccountDataAction
struct  AddEphemeralAction
struct  AddLocalEchoAction
struct  AddLocalNotificationsAction
 Update local notifications to include the new events. More...
struct  AddPendingRoomKeyAction
struct  AddStateEventsAction
struct  AddToTimelineAction
class  AES256CTRDesc
class  AsioPromise
class  AsioPromiseHandler
class  AsioStdFileHandler
class  AsioStdFileProvider
class  AsioStdFileStream
struct  BanAction
class  BaseJob
struct  ChangeInviteStateAction
struct  ChangeMembershipAction
struct  ClaimKeysAction
struct  ClaimKeysFailed
struct  ClaimKeysSuccessful
class  Client
 Represent a Matrix client. More...
struct  ClientModel
class  ContextBase
struct  CprJobHandler
struct  CreateRoomAction
struct  CreateRoomFailed
struct  CreateRoomSuccessful
class  Crypto
struct  CryptoPrivate
struct  DeviceKeyInfo
struct  DeviceListTracker
struct  DownloadContentAction
struct  DownloadContentFailed
struct  DownloadContentSuccessful
struct  DownloadThumbnailAction
struct  DownloadThumbnailFailed
struct  DownloadThumbnailSuccessful
class  DumbFileInterface
struct  DumbFileProvider
struct  DumbFileStream
class  EffectBase
class  EffectStatus
struct  EmptyBody
class  EncryptedFileDesc
struct  EncryptMegOlmEventAction
 The action to encrypt an megolm event for a room. More...
class  Event
class  EventInterface
struct  EventReader
class  FileDesc
class  FileInterface
class  FileProvider
class  FileStream
struct  ForgetRoomAction
struct  ForgetRoomFailed
struct  ForgetRoomSuccessful
struct  GenerateAndUploadOneTimeKeysAction
 The action to generate one-time keys. More...
struct  GetRoomStatesAction
struct  GetRoomStatesFailed
struct  GetRoomStatesSuccessful
struct  GetStateEventAction
struct  GetStateEventFailed
struct  GetStateEventSuccessful
struct  GetUserProfileAction
struct  GetVersionsAction
struct  GetWellknownAction
struct  HardLogoutAction
class  InboundGroupSession
struct  InboundGroupSessionPrivate
struct  InboundSessionTag
struct  InvalidMessageFormat
struct  InviteToRoomAction
struct  InviteUserFailed
struct  InviteUserSuccessful
struct  JobInterface
struct  JoinRoomAction
struct  JoinRoomByIdAction
struct  JoinRoomFailed
struct  JoinRoomSuccessful
class  JsonWrap
struct  KeyOfDecryptedEvent
struct  KeyOfGroupSession
struct  KeyOfOutboundSession
struct  KeyOfState
struct  KickAction
class  LagerStoreEventEmitter
struct  LeaveRoomAction
struct  LeaveRoomFailed
struct  LeaveRoomSuccessful
struct  LocalEchoDesc
 Describes a local echo. More...
struct  LoginAction
struct  LoginFailed
struct  LoginSuccessful
struct  LogoutAction
struct  MarkMembersFullyLoadedAction
class  Maybe
struct  MaybeAddStateEventsAction
 Go from the back of stateEvents to the beginning, adding the event to room state only if the room has no state event with that state key. More...
struct  MegOlmSessionRotateDesc
class  NotBut
class  NotificationHandler
 A class to handle a notification. More...
struct  Null
class  OutboundGroupSession
struct  OutboundGroupSessionPrivate
struct  OutboundSessionTag
struct  PaginateFailed
struct  PaginateSuccessful
struct  PaginateTimelineAction
struct  PendingRoomKeyEvent
struct  PostInitialFiltersAction
struct  PostInitialFiltersFailed
struct  PostInitialFiltersSuccessful
struct  PostReceiptAction
struct  PostReceiptFailed
struct  PostReceiptSuccessful
class  PowerLevelsDesc
 Represent a m.power_levels event. More...
struct  PrepareForSharingRoomKeyAction
 Encrypt room key as olm and add it to the room's pending keyshare slots. More...
struct  ProcessResponseAction
class  PromiseInterface
struct  PushAction
 Describe what actions are to be taken for a specific event. More...
class  PushRulesDesc
struct  PushRulesDescPrivate
struct  QueryKeysAction
class  RandomDeviceGenerator
 A movable wrapper around std::random_device. More...
class  RandomInterface
struct  RandomTag
 The tag to indicate that a constructor should use user-provided random data. More...
struct  ReadReceipt
struct  ReceivingAccountDataEvent
struct  ReceivingPresenceEvent
struct  ReceivingRoomAccountDataEvent
struct  ReceivingRoomStateEvent
struct  ReceivingRoomTimelineEvent
struct  ReceivingToDeviceMessage
struct  RedactEventAction
struct  RemoveLocalEchoAction
struct  RemovePendingRoomKeyAction
struct  RemoveReadLocalNotificationsAction
 Remove local notifications that are already read. More...
struct  Response
struct  ResubmitJobAction
class  Room
 Represent a Matrix room. More...
struct  RoomListModel
struct  RoomMembershipChanged
struct  RoomModel
struct  SaveLocalEchoAction
 Saves an local echo. More...
class  Sdk
 Contain the single source of truth of a matrix sdk. More...
struct  SdkModel
struct  SdkModelCursorTag
struct  SendMessageAction
struct  SendMessageFailed
struct  SendMessageSuccessful
struct  SendMultipleToDeviceMessagesAction
 Send multiple to device messages. More...
struct  SendStateEventAction
struct  SendStateEventFailed
struct  SendStateEventSuccessful
struct  SendToDeviceMessageAction
struct  SendToDeviceMessageFailed
struct  SendToDeviceMessageSuccessful
class  Session
struct  SessionPrivate
struct  SetAccountDataAction
struct  SetAccountDataPerRoomAction
struct  SetAvatarUrlAction
struct  SetDeviceTrustLevelAction
struct  SetDisplayNameAction
struct  SetHeroIdsAction
struct  SetLocalDraftAction
struct  SetReadMarkerAction
struct  SetReadMarkerFailed
struct  SetReadMarkerSuccessful
struct  SetRoomEncryptionAction
struct  SetShouldSyncAction
struct  SetTrustLevelNeededToSendKeysAction
struct  SetTypingAction
struct  SetTypingFailed
struct  SetTypingSuccessful
class  SHA256Desc
struct  ShouldQueryKeys
class  SingleTypePromise
class  SingleTypePromiseInterface
class  StoreBase
struct  SyncAction
struct  SyncFailed
struct  SyncSuccessful
struct  TokenLoginAction
class  TypelessPromise
struct  UnbanAction
struct  UnrecognizedResponse
struct  UpdateInvitedMemberCountAction
struct  UpdateJoinedMemberCountAction
struct  UpdateLocalEchoStatusAction
 Updates the status of an local echo. More...
struct  UpdateRoomAction
struct  UploadContentAction
struct  UploadContentFailed
struct  UploadContentSuccessful
struct  UploadIdentityKeysAction
struct  UploadIdentityKeysFailed
struct  UploadIdentityKeysSuccessful
struct  UploadOneTimeKeysFailed
struct  UploadOneTimeKeysSuccessful


using Header = immer::box< std::map< std::string, std::string > >
using BytesBody = Bytes
using JsonBody = JsonWrap
using FileBody = FileDesc
using Body = std::variant< EmptyBody, JsonBody, BytesBody, FileBody >
using Timestamp = std::int_fast64_t
using FileContent = immer::flex_vector< char >
using json = nlohmann::json
using KazvEvent = std::variant< std::monostate, ReceivingPresenceEvent, ReceivingAccountDataEvent, ReceivingRoomTimelineEvent, ReceivingRoomStateEvent, RoomMembershipChanged, ReceivingRoomAccountDataEvent, ReceivingToDeviceMessage, LoginSuccessful, LoginFailed, SyncSuccessful, SyncFailed, PostInitialFiltersSuccessful, PostInitialFiltersFailed, PaginateSuccessful, PaginateFailed, CreateRoomSuccessful, CreateRoomFailed, InviteUserSuccessful, InviteUserFailed, JoinRoomSuccessful, JoinRoomFailed, LeaveRoomSuccessful, LeaveRoomFailed, ForgetRoomSuccessful, ForgetRoomFailed, SendMessageSuccessful, SendMessageFailed, SendToDeviceMessageSuccessful, SendToDeviceMessageFailed, InvalidMessageFormat, GetRoomStatesSuccessful, GetRoomStatesFailed, GetStateEventSuccessful, GetStateEventFailed, SendStateEventSuccessful, SendStateEventFailed, SetTypingSuccessful, SetTypingFailed, PostReceiptSuccessful, PostReceiptFailed, SetReadMarkerSuccessful, SetReadMarkerFailed, UploadContentSuccessful, UploadContentFailed, DownloadContentSuccessful, DownloadContentFailed, DownloadThumbnailSuccessful, DownloadThumbnailFailed, UploadIdentityKeysSuccessful, UploadIdentityKeysFailed, UploadOneTimeKeysSuccessful, UploadOneTimeKeysFailed, ClaimKeysSuccessful, ClaimKeysFailed, UnrecognizedResponse, ShouldQueryKeys >
using KazvEventList = immer::flex_vector< KazvEvent >
using MaybeString = Maybe< std::string >
template<class T , class P >
using PromiseThenResult = typename detail::PromiseThenResultT< T, P >::type
using BoolPromise = SingleTypePromise< bool >
using BoolPromiseInterface = SingleTypePromiseInterface< bool >
using Bytes = std::string
using EventList = immer::flex_vector< Event >
using Variant = std::variant< std::string, JsonWrap, Null >
using ClientAction = std::variant< RoomListAction, LoginAction, TokenLoginAction, LogoutAction, HardLogoutAction, GetWellknownAction, GetVersionsAction, SyncAction, SetShouldSyncAction, PostInitialFiltersAction, SetAccountDataAction, PaginateTimelineAction, SendMessageAction, SendStateEventAction, SaveLocalEchoAction, UpdateLocalEchoStatusAction, RedactEventAction, CreateRoomAction, GetRoomStatesAction, GetStateEventAction, InviteToRoomAction, JoinRoomByIdAction, JoinRoomAction, LeaveRoomAction, ForgetRoomAction, KickAction, BanAction, UnbanAction, SetAccountDataPerRoomAction, ProcessResponseAction, SetTypingAction, PostReceiptAction, SetReadMarkerAction, UploadContentAction, DownloadContentAction, DownloadThumbnailAction, SendToDeviceMessageAction, SendMultipleToDeviceMessagesAction, UploadIdentityKeysAction, GenerateAndUploadOneTimeKeysAction, QueryKeysAction, ClaimKeysAction, EncryptMegOlmEventAction, SetDeviceTrustLevelAction, SetTrustLevelNeededToSendKeysAction, PrepareForSharingRoomKeyAction, GetUserProfileAction, SetAvatarUrlAction, SetDisplayNameAction, ResubmitJobAction >
using ClientEffect = Effect< ClientAction, lager::deps<> >
using ClientResult = std::pair< ClientModel, ClientEffect >
using PowerLevel = std::int_fast64_t
using RoomAction = RoomModel::Action
using RoomListAction = RoomListModel::Action
using SdkModelCursorKey = lager::dep::key< SdkModelCursorTag, lager::dep::fn< std::shared_ptr< lager::reader< SdkModel > >> >
using SdkAction = std::variant< ClientAction >
using SdkEffect = Effect< SdkAction, lager::deps< JobInterface &, EventInterface & > >
using SdkResult = std::pair< SdkModel, SdkEffect >
using SessionList = std::vector< Session >
using ByteArray = std::vector< unsigned char >
using RandomData = std::string
using DefaultRetType = EffectStatus
template<class A , class D = lager::deps<>>
using Context = ContextBase< DefaultRetType, A, D >
template<class A , class D = lager::deps<>>
using Effect = EffectBase< DefaultRetType, A, D >
template<class Action , class Model , class Reducer , class Deps = lager::deps<>, class Tag = lager::automatic_tag>
using Store = StoreBase< Action, DefaultRetType, Model, Reducer, Deps, Tag >


enum  JobQueuePolicy { AlwaysContinue, CancelFutureIfFailed }
enum  FileOpRetCode { FileOpRetCode::Error, FileOpRetCode::Success, FileOpRetCode::Eof }
enum  FileOpenMode { FileOpenMode::Read, FileOpenMode::Write }
enum  Status : bool { FAIL, SUCC }
enum  RoomMembership { Invite, Join, Leave }
enum  RoomVisibility { Private, Public }
enum  CreateRoomPreset { PrivateChat, PublicChat, TrustedPrivateChat }
enum  ThumbnailResizingMethod { Crop, Scale }
enum  DeviceTrustLevel { Blocked, Unseen, Seen, Verified }
enum  CastArrayStrategy { CastArrayStrategy::IgnoreInvalid, CastArrayStrategy::FailAll }
 Strategy used for castArray(). More...
enum  CastObjectStrategy { CastObjectStrategy::IgnoreInvalid, CastObjectStrategy::FailAll }
 Strategy used for castObject(). More...


template<class Exec >
 AsioStdFileHandler (Exec) -> AsioStdFileHandler< Exec >
bool operator== (BaseJob a, BaseJob b)
bool operator!= (BaseJob a, BaseJob b)
bool operator== (EmptyBody, EmptyBody)
bool isBodyJson (Body body)
bool operator== (Response a, Response b)
bool operator== (BaseJob::Get, BaseJob::Get)
bool operator== (BaseJob::Post, BaseJob::Post)
bool operator== (BaseJob::Put, BaseJob::Put)
bool operator== (BaseJob::Delete, BaseJob::Delete)
template<class T >
void addToQuery (BaseJob::Query &q, std::string name, T &&arg)
template<class T >
void addToQueryIfNeeded (BaseJob::Query &q, std::string name, T &&arg)
template<class T , class V >
constexpr auto jsonAtOr (T &&key, V &&defaultValue)
template<class Cursor , class ... Cursors>
constexpr auto allCursors (Cursor &&first, Cursors &&...cursors)
auto allCursors ()
template<class Cursor , class ... Cursors>
constexpr auto anyCursor (Cursor &&first, Cursors &&...cursors)
auto anyCursor ()
bool operator== (const Event &a, const Event &b)
bool operator!= (const Event &a, const Event &b)
template<class T >
auto getIn (T &&item)
template<class ImmerT , class K , class ... Keys>
auto getIn (ImmerT &&container, K &&key, Keys &&...keys)
template<class T >
auto setIn (T, T newVal)
template<class ImmerT , class K >
auto setIn (ImmerT container, std::decay_t< decltype(getIn(std::declval< ImmerT >(), std::declval< K >()))> newVal, K &&key) -> std::decay_t< ImmerT >
template<class ImmerT , class K , class ... Keys>
auto setIn (ImmerT container, std::decay_t< decltype(getIn(std::declval< ImmerT >(), std::declval< K >(), std::declval< Keys >()...))> newVal, K &&key, Keys &&...keys) -> std::decay_t< ImmerT >
template<class T , class Func >
auto updateIn (T oldVal, Func func) -> T
template<class ImmerT , class Func , class ... Keys>
auto updateIn (ImmerT container, Func func, Keys &&...keys) -> ImmerT
template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Func >
bool hasAtThat (Jsonish &&j, Key &&k, Func &&f)
bool isNonCompoundCanonicalJsonValue (const nlohmann::json &j)
template<class Jsonish , class RangeT >
std::optional< std::decay_t< Jsonish > > getInJson (Jsonish &&j, RangeT &&path, std::size_t index=0)
bool operator== (JsonWrap a, JsonWrap b)
template<class T >
void addToJsonIfNeeded (json &j, std::string name, T &&arg)
template<class MapT , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< MapT >, json > &&!std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< MapT >, JsonWrap >, int > = 0>
void addPropertyMapToJson (json &j, MapT &&arg)
void addPropertyMapToJson (json &j, const json &arg)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetAccountDataPerRoomAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SetAccountDataPerRoomResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetAccountDataAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SetAccountDataResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, LoginAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, LoginResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, TokenLoginAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, LogoutAction)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, HardLogoutAction)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, LogoutResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, GetWellknownAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetWellknownResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, GetVersionsAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetVersionsResponse r)
std::pair< std::string, std::string > mxcUriToMediaDesc (std::string mxcUri)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, UploadContentAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, UploadContentResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, DownloadContentAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetContentResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, DownloadThumbnailAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetContentThumbnailResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, UploadIdentityKeysAction)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, GenerateAndUploadOneTimeKeysAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, UploadKeysResponse r)
ClientModel tryDecryptEvents (ClientModel m)
std::optional< BaseJobclientPerform (ClientModel m, QueryKeysAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, QueryKeysAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, QueryKeysResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, ClaimKeysAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, ClaimKeysResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, EncryptMegOlmEventAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetDeviceTrustLevelAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetTrustLevelNeededToSendKeysAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, PrepareForSharingRoomKeyAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetTypingAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SetTypingResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, PostReceiptAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, PostReceiptResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetReadMarkerAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SetReadMarkerResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, CreateRoomAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, CreateRoomResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, InviteToRoomAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, InviteUserResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, JoinRoomAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, JoinRoomResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, JoinRoomByIdAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, JoinRoomByIdResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, LeaveRoomAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, LeaveRoomResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, ForgetRoomAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, ForgetRoomResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, KickAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, KickResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, BanAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, BanResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, UnbanAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, UnbanResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, PaginateTimelineAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetRoomEventsResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, GetUserProfileAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetUserProfileResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetAvatarUrlAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SetAvatarUrlResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetDisplayNameAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SetDisplayNameResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SendMessageAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SendMessageResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SendToDeviceMessageAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SendMultipleToDeviceMessagesAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SendToDeviceResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SaveLocalEchoAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, UpdateLocalEchoStatusAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, RedactEventAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, RedactEventResponse r)
BaseJob clientPerform (ClientModel m, GetRoomStatesAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, GetRoomStatesAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetRoomStateResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, GetStateEventAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, GetRoomStateWithKeyResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SendStateEventAction a)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SetRoomStateWithKeyResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SyncAction)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, SyncResponse r)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, SetShouldSyncAction a)
ClientResult updateClient (ClientModel m, PostInitialFiltersAction)
ClientResult processResponse (ClientModel m, DefineFilterResponse r)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, ClientModel &m, std::uint32_t const version)
std::string increaseTxnId (std::string cur)
std::string getTxnId (Event, ClientModel &m)
template<class K , class V , class List , class Func >
immer::map< K, V > merge (immer::map< K, V > map, List list, Func keyOf)
std::string keyOfPresence (Event e)
std::string keyOfAccountData (Event e)
std::string keyOfTimeline (Event e)
std::string keyOfEphemeral (Event e)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, KeyOfState &m, std::uint32_t const)
bool operator== (KeyOfState a, KeyOfState b)
KeyOfState keyOfState (Event e)
template<class Context >
JobInterfacegetJobHandler (Context &&ctx)
template<class Context >
EventInterfacegetEventEmitter (Context &&ctx)
template<class ImmerT1 , class RangeT2 , class Pred , class Func >
ImmerT1 sortedUniqueMerge (ImmerT1 base, RangeT2 addon, Pred exists, Func keyOf)
bool operator== (DeviceKeyInfo a, DeviceKeyInfo b)
bool operator!= (DeviceKeyInfo a, DeviceKeyInfo b)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, DeviceKeyInfo &i, std::uint32_t const)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, DeviceListTracker &t, std::uint32_t const)
std::vector< std::string > splitPath (std::string path)
bool matchGlob (std::string target, std::string pattern)
std::pair< bool, jsonvalidateRule (std::string ruleSetName, const json &rule)
Event validatePushRules (const Event &e)
bool operator== (const LocalEchoDesc &a, const LocalEchoDesc &b)
bool operator!= (const LocalEchoDesc &a, const LocalEchoDesc &b)
PendingRoomKeyEvent makePendingRoomKeyEventV0 (std::string txnId, Event event, immer::map< std::string, immer::flex_vector< std::string >> devices)
bool operator== (const ReadReceipt &a, const ReadReceipt &b)
bool operator!= (const ReadReceipt &a, const ReadReceipt &b)
bool operator== (const EventReader &a, const EventReader &b)
bool operator!= (const EventReader &a, const EventReader &b)
auto sortKeyForTimelineEvent (Event e) -> std::tuple< Timestamp, std::string >
 Get the sort key for a timeline event. More...
auto memberEventsByMembership (immer::map< KeyOfState, Event > stateEvents, const std::string &membership)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, ReadReceipt &r, std::uint32_t const)
bool operator== (const PendingRoomKeyEvent &a, const PendingRoomKeyEvent &b)
bool operator!= (const PendingRoomKeyEvent &a, const PendingRoomKeyEvent &b)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, PendingRoomKeyEvent &e, std::uint32_t const version)
bool operator== (const RoomModel &a, const RoomModel &b)
bool operator== (const RoomListModel &a, const RoomListModel &b)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, RoomModel &r, std::uint32_t const version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, RoomListModel &l, std::uint32_t const)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, SdkModel &s, std::uint32_t const)
template<class EventLoop , class Xform , class ... Enhancers>
auto makeSdk (SdkModel sdk, JobInterface &jobHandler, EventInterface &eventEmitter, EventLoop &&eventLoop, Xform &&xform, Enhancers &&...enhancers) -> Sdk< EventLoop, Xform, Enhancers... >
 Create an sdk with the provided model. More...
std::size_t makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandomSize ()
template<class EventLoop , class Xform , class ... Enhancers>
auto makeDefaultEncryptedSdk (JobInterface &jobHandler, EventInterface &eventEmitter, EventLoop &&eventLoop, Xform &&xform, Enhancers &&...enhancers) -> Sdk< EventLoop, Xform, Enhancers... >
template<class PH , class Xform , class ... Enhancers>
auto makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandom (RandomData random, JobInterface &jobHandler, EventInterface &eventEmitter, PH &&ph, Xform &&xform, Enhancers &&...enhancers) -> Sdk< PH, Xform, Enhancers... >
 Create an sdk with a default-constructed model, and a Crypto constructed with user-provided random data. More...
auto withRandomGenerator (RandomInterface &random)
 An enhancer to use a custom random generator. More...
detail::ReturnEffectStatusT failWithResponse (const BaseJob::Response &r)
 A effect that returns a failed EffectStatus upon invocation. More...
detail::ReturnEffectStatusT failEffect (std::string errorCode, std::string errorMsg)
 An effect that returns a failed EffectStatus with the given error code and message. More...
template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Validator >
bool cast (Jsonish &ret, const Jsonish &input, Key &&k, Validator &&f)
 Run validator against input[k] and add it to ret. More...
template<class Func >
auto identValidate (Func &&f)
 Make an identity validator. More...
template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Validator >
bool castArray (Jsonish &ret, const Jsonish &input, Key &&k, Validator &&f, CastArrayStrategy strategy)
 Cast an array of items. More...
template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Validator >
bool castObject (Jsonish &ret, const Jsonish &input, Key &&k, Validator &&f, CastObjectStrategy strategy)
 Cast an object of items. More...
template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Jsonish2 >
std::decay_t< Jsonish > makeDefaultValue (Jsonish &&input, Key &&k, Jsonish2 &&defaultValue)
 Replace a non-existent value with a default one. More...
std::string encodeBase64 (std::string original, int flags=Base64Opts::none)
 Encodes the original string to base64. More...
std::string decodeBase64 (std::string encoded, int flags=Base64Opts::none)
 Decode base64 string. More...
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, KeyOfGroupSession &k)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const KeyOfGroupSession &k)
bool operator== (KeyOfGroupSession a, KeyOfGroupSession b)
bool operator== (KeyOfOutboundSession a, KeyOfOutboundSession b)
ByteArray genRandom (int len)
RandomData genRandomData (int len)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const KeyOfDecryptedEvent &k)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, KeyOfDecryptedEvent &k)
bool operator== (KeyOfDecryptedEvent a, KeyOfDecryptedEvent b)
bool operator!= (KeyOfDecryptedEvent a, KeyOfDecryptedEvent b)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const InboundGroupSession &s)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, InboundGroupSession &s)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const OutboundGroupSession &s)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, OutboundGroupSession &s)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const Session &s)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, Session &s)
Timestamp currentTimeMs ()
template<class Exec >
 AsioPromiseHandler (Exec) -> AsioPromiseHandler< Exec >
EffectStatus createDefaultForPromiseThen (EffectStatus)
EffectStatus dataCombine (EffectStatus a, EffectStatus b)
EffectStatus dataCombineNone (EffectStatus)
template<class Action , class Tag = lager::automatic_tag, class Model , class Reducer , class PH , class ... Enhancers>
auto makeStore (Model &&initialModel, Reducer &&reducer, PH &&ph, Enhancers &&...enhancers)


detail::IntoImmerT intoImmer {}
detail::ContainerMapT containerMap {}
constexpr auto eventContent
const detail::OutputConfig kzo {}
const std::string headFailureCancelledErrorCode {"MOE_KAZV_MXC_HEAD_FAILURE_CANCELLED"}
const std::string headFailureCancelledErrorMsg {"This job is cancelled because one before it failed."}
const int headFailureCancelledStatusCode {490}
template<class T >
constexpr auto isPromise = std::is_base_of_v<TypelessPromise, T>
constexpr detail::DefaultValT DEFVAL
const std::string DEFTXNID {"0"}
const double ROOM_TAG_DEFAULT_ORDER = 2
constexpr auto simpleFail = detail::SimpleFailT{}
 A effect that returns a failed EffectStatus upon invocation. More...
template<class Reducer , class RetType , class Model , class Action , class Deps >
constexpr bool hasEffect

Typedef Documentation

◆ Body

using Kazv::Body = typedef std::variant<EmptyBody, JsonBody, BytesBody, FileBody>

◆ BoolPromise

using Kazv::BoolPromise = typedef SingleTypePromise<bool>

◆ BoolPromiseInterface

◆ ByteArray

using Kazv::ByteArray = typedef std::vector<unsigned char>

◆ Bytes

using Kazv::Bytes = typedef std::string

◆ BytesBody

using Kazv::BytesBody = typedef Bytes

◆ ClientAction

◆ ClientEffect

using Kazv::ClientEffect = typedef Effect<ClientAction, lager::deps<> >

◆ ClientResult

using Kazv::ClientResult = typedef std::pair<ClientModel, ClientEffect>

◆ Context

template<class A , class D = lager::deps<>>
using Kazv::Context = typedef ContextBase<DefaultRetType, A, D>

◆ DefaultRetType

◆ Effect

template<class A , class D = lager::deps<>>
using Kazv::Effect = typedef EffectBase<DefaultRetType, A, D>

◆ EventList

using Kazv::EventList = typedef immer::flex_vector<Event>

◆ FileBody

using Kazv::FileBody = typedef FileDesc

◆ FileContent

using Kazv::FileContent = typedef immer::flex_vector<char>

◆ Header

using Kazv::Header = typedef immer::box<std::map<std::string, std::string> >

◆ json

using Kazv::json = typedef nlohmann::json

◆ JsonBody

using Kazv::JsonBody = typedef JsonWrap

◆ KazvEvent

◆ KazvEventList

using Kazv::KazvEventList = typedef immer::flex_vector<KazvEvent>

◆ MaybeString

using Kazv::MaybeString = typedef Maybe<std::string>

◆ PowerLevel

using Kazv::PowerLevel = typedef std::int_fast64_t

◆ PromiseThenResult

template<class T , class P >
using Kazv::PromiseThenResult = typedef typename detail::PromiseThenResultT<T, P>::type

◆ RandomData

using Kazv::RandomData = typedef std::string

◆ RoomAction

◆ RoomListAction

◆ SdkAction

using Kazv::SdkAction = typedef std::variant< ClientAction >

◆ SdkEffect

using Kazv::SdkEffect = typedef Effect<SdkAction, lager::deps<JobInterface &, EventInterface &> >

◆ SdkModelCursorKey

using Kazv::SdkModelCursorKey = typedef lager::dep::key<SdkModelCursorTag, lager::dep::fn<std::shared_ptr<lager::reader<SdkModel> >> >

◆ SdkResult

using Kazv::SdkResult = typedef std::pair<SdkModel, SdkEffect>

◆ SessionList

using Kazv::SessionList = typedef std::vector<Session>

◆ Store

template<class Action , class Model , class Reducer , class Deps = lager::deps<>, class Tag = lager::automatic_tag>
using Kazv::Store = typedef StoreBase<Action, DefaultRetType, Model, Reducer, Deps, Tag>

◆ Timestamp

using Kazv::Timestamp = typedef std::int_fast64_t

◆ Variant

using Kazv::Variant = typedef std::variant<std::string, JsonWrap, Null>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CastArrayStrategy

Strategy used for castArray().


If any item is invalid, ignore them and add all valid entries into the output.


If any item is invalid, fail the entire cast.

◆ CastObjectStrategy

Strategy used for castObject().


If any item is invalid, ignore them and add all valid entries into the output.


If any item is invalid, fail the entire cast.

◆ CreateRoomPreset


◆ DeviceTrustLevel


◆ FileOpenMode

enum Kazv::FileOpenMode

◆ FileOpRetCode

enum Kazv::FileOpRetCode

◆ JobQueuePolicy


◆ RoomMembership


◆ RoomVisibility


◆ Status

enum Kazv::Status : bool

◆ ThumbnailResizingMethod


Function Documentation

◆ addPropertyMapToJson() [1/2]

void Kazv::addPropertyMapToJson ( json j,
const json arg 

◆ addPropertyMapToJson() [2/2]

template<class MapT , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< MapT >, json > &&!std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< MapT >, JsonWrap >, int > = 0>
void Kazv::addPropertyMapToJson ( json j,
MapT &&  arg 

◆ addToJsonIfNeeded()

template<class T >
void Kazv::addToJsonIfNeeded ( json j,
std::string  name,
T &&  arg 

◆ addToQuery()

template<class T >
void Kazv::addToQuery ( BaseJob::Query q,
std::string  name,
T &&  arg 

◆ addToQueryIfNeeded()

template<class T >
void Kazv::addToQueryIfNeeded ( BaseJob::Query q,
std::string  name,
T &&  arg 

◆ allCursors() [1/2]

auto Kazv::allCursors ( )

◆ allCursors() [2/2]

template<class Cursor , class ... Cursors>
constexpr auto Kazv::allCursors ( Cursor &&  first,
Cursors &&...  cursors 

◆ anyCursor() [1/2]

auto Kazv::anyCursor ( )

◆ anyCursor() [2/2]

template<class Cursor , class ... Cursors>
constexpr auto Kazv::anyCursor ( Cursor &&  first,
Cursors &&...  cursors 

◆ AsioPromiseHandler()

template<class Exec >
Kazv::AsioPromiseHandler ( Exec  ) -> AsioPromiseHandler< Exec >

◆ AsioStdFileHandler()

template<class Exec >
Kazv::AsioStdFileHandler ( Exec  ) -> AsioStdFileHandler< Exec >

◆ cast()

template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Validator >
bool Kazv::cast ( Jsonish &  ret,
const Jsonish &  input,
Key &&  k,
Validator &&  f 

Run validator against input[k] and add it to ret.

A validator is a function taking a Jsonish value and return a pair of boolean (the status) and a Jsonish value (the output).

If the status is true, the output will be added to ret[k]. If the status is false, the output will be ignored.


json j = json::object();
json{{"foo", "1"}},
[](const json &v) -> std::pair<bool, json> {
return v.is_string()
? {true, v.template get<std::string>() + "x"}
: {false, v};
); // true, j = {{"foo", "1x"}}};
json j2 = json::object();
json{{"foo", 1}},
[](const json &v) -> std::pair<bool, json> {
return v.is_string()
? {true, v.template get<std::string>() + "x"}
: {false, v};
); // true, j2 = json::object();
inputThe original json taken from user input.
kThe key (usually a property name of a json object) to process on.
fThe validator.
retThe read-write reference of the returning json.
Whether the cast is successful. The cast is successful if and only if the validator returns a status of true.

◆ castArray()

template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Validator >
bool Kazv::castArray ( Jsonish &  ret,
const Jsonish &  input,
Key &&  k,
Validator &&  f,
CastArrayStrategy  strategy 

Cast an array of items.

Run the validator on each item of input[k] and accumulate the result into ret.


json j = json::object();
json{{"foo", {"1", "2", "3", 4}}},
[](const json &v) -> std::pair<bool, json> {
return v.is_string()
? {true, v.template get<std::string>() + "x"}
: {false, v};
); // true, j = {{"foo", {"1x", "2x", "3x"}}};
json j2 = json::object();
json{{"foo", {"1", "2", "3", 4}}},
[](const json &v) -> std::pair<bool, json> {
return v.is_string()
? {true, v.template get<std::string>() + "x"}
: {false, v};
); // false, j2 = json::object();
inputThe original json taken from user input.
kThe key (usually a property name of a json object) to process on.
fThe validator.
retThe read-write reference of the returning json.
strategyThe strategy to use when handling invalid items. CastArrayStrategy::IgnoreInvalid makes the cast always successful (providing input[k] is an array), and all valid items will be added to ret. CastArrayStrategy::FailAll makes the cast successful only when all input items can be casted.
Whether the cast is successful. If input[k] is not an array, it be unsuccessful.

◆ castObject()

template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Validator >
bool Kazv::castObject ( Jsonish &  ret,
const Jsonish &  input,
Key &&  k,
Validator &&  f,
CastObjectStrategy  strategy 

Cast an object of items.

Run the validator on each key-value pair (as a json array) of input[k] and accumulate the result into ret.


json j = json::object();
json{{"foo", {{"1", "2"}, {"3", 4}}}},
[](const json &kv) -> std::pair<bool, json> {
const key = kv[0];
const value = kv[1];
return value.is_string()
? {true, json::array({key, v.template get<std::string>() + "x"})}
: {false, v};
); // true, j = {{"foo", {{"1", "2x"}}}};
json j2 = json::object();
json{{"foo", {{"1", "2"}, {"3", 4}}}},
[](const json &v) -> std::pair<bool, json> {
const key = kv[0];
const value = kv[1];
return value.is_string()
? {true, json::array({key, v.template get<std::string>() + "x"})}
: {false, v};
); // false, j2 = json::object();
inputThe original json taken from user input.
kThe key (usually a property name of a json object) to process on.
fThe validator.
retThe read-write reference of the returning json.
strategyThe strategy to use when handling invalid items. CastObjectStrategy::IgnoreInvalid makes the cast always successful (providing input[k] is an object), and all valid items will be added to ret. CastObjectStrategy::FailAll makes the cast successful only when all input items can be casted.
Whether the cast is successful. If input[k] is not an object, it be unsuccessful.

◆ clientPerform() [1/2]

BaseJob Kazv::clientPerform ( ClientModel  m,
GetRoomStatesAction  a 

◆ clientPerform() [2/2]

std::optional< BaseJob > Kazv::clientPerform ( ClientModel  m,
QueryKeysAction  a 

◆ createDefaultForPromiseThen()

EffectStatus Kazv::createDefaultForPromiseThen ( EffectStatus  )

◆ currentTimeMs()

Timestamp Kazv::currentTimeMs ( )

◆ dataCombine()

EffectStatus Kazv::dataCombine ( EffectStatus  a,
EffectStatus  b 

◆ dataCombineNone()

EffectStatus Kazv::dataCombineNone ( EffectStatus  )

◆ decodeBase64()

std::string Kazv::decodeBase64 ( std::string  encoded,
int  flags = Base64Opts::none 

Decode base64 string.

encodedThe base64-encoded string.
flagsOptions for the decoder. See Base64Opts.

◆ encodeBase64()

std::string Kazv::encodeBase64 ( std::string  original,
int  flags = Base64Opts::none 

Encodes the original string to base64.

originalThe original string to encode.
flagsOptions for the encoder. See Base64Opts.

◆ failEffect()

detail::ReturnEffectStatusT Kazv::failEffect ( std::string  errorCode,
std::string  errorMsg 

An effect that returns a failed EffectStatus with the given error code and message.

◆ failWithResponse()

detail::ReturnEffectStatusT Kazv::failWithResponse ( const BaseJob::Response r)

A effect that returns a failed EffectStatus upon invocation.

◆ from_json() [1/5]

void Kazv::from_json ( const nlohmann::json j,
InboundGroupSession s 

◆ from_json() [2/5]

void Kazv::from_json ( const nlohmann::json j,
KeyOfDecryptedEvent k 

◆ from_json() [3/5]

void Kazv::from_json ( const nlohmann::json j,
KeyOfGroupSession k 

◆ from_json() [4/5]

void Kazv::from_json ( const nlohmann::json j,
OutboundGroupSession s 

◆ from_json() [5/5]

void Kazv::from_json ( const nlohmann::json j,
Session s 

◆ genRandom()

ByteArray Kazv::genRandom ( int  len)

◆ genRandomData()

RandomData Kazv::genRandomData ( int  len)

◆ getEventEmitter()

template<class Context >
EventInterface& Kazv::getEventEmitter ( Context &&  ctx)

◆ getIn() [1/2]

template<class ImmerT , class K , class ... Keys>
auto Kazv::getIn ( ImmerT &&  container,
K &&  key,
Keys &&...  keys 

◆ getIn() [2/2]

template<class T >
auto Kazv::getIn ( T &&  item)

◆ getInJson()

template<class Jsonish , class RangeT >
std::optional<std::decay_t<Jsonish> > Kazv::getInJson ( Jsonish &&  j,
RangeT &&  path,
std::size_t  index = 0 

◆ getJobHandler()

template<class Context >
JobInterface& Kazv::getJobHandler ( Context &&  ctx)

◆ getTxnId()

std::string Kazv::getTxnId ( Event  ,
ClientModel m 

◆ hasAtThat()

template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Func >
bool Kazv::hasAtThat ( Jsonish &&  j,
Key &&  k,
Func &&  f 

◆ identValidate()

template<class Func >
auto Kazv::identValidate ( Func &&  f)

Make an identity validator.

The returned validator runs a predicate f against a value val. If the return value is true, return a pair of true and val. Otherwise, return a pair of false and val.

fThe predicate that judges the validity of a value.
A validator.

◆ increaseTxnId()

std::string Kazv::increaseTxnId ( std::string  cur)

◆ isBodyJson()

bool Kazv::isBodyJson ( Body  body)

◆ isNonCompoundCanonicalJsonValue()

bool Kazv::isNonCompoundCanonicalJsonValue ( const nlohmann::json j)

◆ jsonAtOr()

template<class T , class V >
constexpr auto Kazv::jsonAtOr ( T &&  key,
V &&  defaultValue 





◆ keyOfAccountData()

std::string Kazv::keyOfAccountData ( Event  e)

◆ keyOfEphemeral()

std::string Kazv::keyOfEphemeral ( Event  e)

◆ keyOfPresence()

std::string Kazv::keyOfPresence ( Event  e)

◆ keyOfState()

KeyOfState Kazv::keyOfState ( Event  e)

◆ keyOfTimeline()

std::string Kazv::keyOfTimeline ( Event  e)

◆ makeDefaultEncryptedSdk()

template<class EventLoop , class Xform , class ... Enhancers>
auto Kazv::makeDefaultEncryptedSdk ( JobInterface jobHandler,
EventInterface eventEmitter,
EventLoop &&  eventLoop,
Xform &&  xform,
Enhancers &&...  enhancers 
) -> Sdk<EventLoop, Xform, Enhancers...>

◆ makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandom()

template<class PH , class Xform , class ... Enhancers>
auto Kazv::makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandom ( RandomData  random,
JobInterface jobHandler,
EventInterface eventEmitter,
PH &&  ph,
Xform &&  xform,
Enhancers &&...  enhancers 
) -> Sdk<PH, Xform, Enhancers...>

Create an sdk with a default-constructed model, and a Crypto constructed with user-provided random data.

randomThe random data to construct Crypto. Must be of at least size makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandomSize().
jobHandlerThe job handler for the sdk.
eventEmitterThe event emitter for the sdk.
phThe Promise handler for the sdk.
xformA function to extract the SdkModel from the model type of the created Store. This is to take into account any enhancer that changes the model type. If you do not use any enhancer that changes the model type, put an identity function (e.g. zug::identity) here.
enhancersThe enhancers to pass to makeStore().
An Sdk created with these parameters.
See also
JobInterface, EventInterface, PromiseInterface

◆ makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandomSize()

std::size_t Kazv::makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandomSize ( )
The size of random data needed for makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandom

◆ makeDefaultValue()

template<class Jsonish , class Key , class Jsonish2 >
std::decay_t<Jsonish> Kazv::makeDefaultValue ( Jsonish &&  input,
Key &&  k,
Jsonish2 &&  defaultValue 

Replace a non-existent value with a default one.

If input contains k, return input as-is. Otherwise return input but with [k] replaced with defaultValue.

inputThe input value.
kThe key to process on.
defaultValueThe default value to replace with.
input if input contains k, otherwise, input where [k] is replaced with defaultValue.

◆ makePendingRoomKeyEventV0()

PendingRoomKeyEvent Kazv::makePendingRoomKeyEventV0 ( std::string  txnId,
Event  event,
immer::map< std::string, immer::flex_vector< std::string >>  devices 

◆ makeSdk()

template<class EventLoop , class Xform , class ... Enhancers>
auto Kazv::makeSdk ( SdkModel  sdk,
JobInterface jobHandler,
EventInterface eventEmitter,
EventLoop &&  eventLoop,
Xform &&  xform,
Enhancers &&...  enhancers 
) -> Sdk<EventLoop, Xform, Enhancers...>

Create an sdk with the provided model.

sdkThe initial SdkModel.
jobHandlerThe job handler for the sdk.
eventEmitterThe event emitter for the sdk.
phThe Promise handler for the sdk.
xformA function to extract the SdkModel from the model type of the created Store. This is to take into account any enhancer that changes the model type. If you do not use any enhancer that changes the model type, put an identity function (e.g. zug::identity) here.
enhancersThe enhancers to pass to makeStore().
An Sdk created with these parameters.
See also
JobInterface, EventInterface, PromiseInterface

◆ makeStore()

template<class Action , class Tag = lager::automatic_tag, class Model , class Reducer , class PH , class ... Enhancers>
auto Kazv::makeStore ( Model &&  initialModel,
Reducer &&  reducer,
PH &&  ph,
Enhancers &&...  enhancers 

◆ matchGlob()

bool Kazv::matchGlob ( std::string  target,
std::string  pattern 

◆ memberEventsByMembership()

auto Kazv::memberEventsByMembership ( immer::map< KeyOfState, Event stateEvents,
const std::string &  membership 

◆ merge()

template<class K , class V , class List , class Func >
immer::map<K, V> Kazv::merge ( immer::map< K, V >  map,
List  list,
Func  keyOf 

◆ mxcUriToMediaDesc()

std::pair< std::string, std::string > Kazv::mxcUriToMediaDesc ( std::string  mxcUri)

◆ operator!=() [1/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( BaseJob  a,
BaseJob  b 

◆ operator!=() [2/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( const Event a,
const Event b 

◆ operator!=() [3/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( const EventReader a,
const EventReader b 

◆ operator!=() [4/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( const LocalEchoDesc a,
const LocalEchoDesc b 

◆ operator!=() [5/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( const PendingRoomKeyEvent a,
const PendingRoomKeyEvent b 

◆ operator!=() [6/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( const ReadReceipt a,
const ReadReceipt b 

◆ operator!=() [7/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( DeviceKeyInfo  a,
DeviceKeyInfo  b 

◆ operator!=() [8/8]

bool Kazv::operator!= ( KeyOfDecryptedEvent  a,
KeyOfDecryptedEvent  b 

◆ operator==() [1/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( BaseJob  a,
BaseJob  b 

◆ operator==() [2/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( BaseJob::Delete  ,

◆ operator==() [3/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( BaseJob::Get  ,

◆ operator==() [4/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( BaseJob::Post  ,

◆ operator==() [5/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( BaseJob::Put  ,

◆ operator==() [6/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( const Event a,
const Event b 

◆ operator==() [7/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( const EventReader a,
const EventReader b 

◆ operator==() [8/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( const LocalEchoDesc a,
const LocalEchoDesc b 

◆ operator==() [9/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( const PendingRoomKeyEvent a,
const PendingRoomKeyEvent b 

◆ operator==() [10/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( const ReadReceipt a,
const ReadReceipt b 

◆ operator==() [11/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( const RoomListModel a,
const RoomListModel b 

◆ operator==() [12/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( const RoomModel a,
const RoomModel b 

◆ operator==() [13/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( DeviceKeyInfo  a,
DeviceKeyInfo  b 

◆ operator==() [14/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( EmptyBody  ,

◆ operator==() [15/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( JsonWrap  a,
JsonWrap  b 

◆ operator==() [16/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( KeyOfDecryptedEvent  a,
KeyOfDecryptedEvent  b 

◆ operator==() [17/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( KeyOfGroupSession  a,
KeyOfGroupSession  b 

◆ operator==() [18/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( KeyOfOutboundSession  a,
KeyOfOutboundSession  b 

◆ operator==() [19/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( KeyOfState  a,
KeyOfState  b 

◆ operator==() [20/20]

bool Kazv::operator== ( Response  a,
Response  b 

◆ processResponse() [1/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
BanResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [2/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
ClaimKeysResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [3/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
CreateRoomResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [4/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
DefineFilterResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [5/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
ForgetRoomResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [6/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetContentResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [7/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetContentThumbnailResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [8/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetRoomEventsResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [9/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetRoomStateResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [10/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetRoomStateWithKeyResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [11/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetUserProfileResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [12/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetVersionsResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [13/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
GetWellknownResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [14/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
InviteUserResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [15/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
JoinRoomByIdResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [16/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
JoinRoomResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [17/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
KickResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [18/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
LeaveRoomResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [19/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
LoginResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [20/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
LogoutResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [21/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
PostReceiptResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [22/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
QueryKeysResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [23/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
RedactEventResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [24/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SendMessageResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [25/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SendToDeviceResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [26/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SetAccountDataPerRoomResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [27/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SetAccountDataResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [28/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SetAvatarUrlResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [29/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SetDisplayNameResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [30/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SetReadMarkerResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [31/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SetRoomStateWithKeyResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [32/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SetTypingResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [33/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
SyncResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [34/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
UnbanResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [35/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
UploadContentResponse  r 

◆ processResponse() [36/36]

ClientResult Kazv::processResponse ( ClientModel  m,
UploadKeysResponse  r 

◆ serialize() [1/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
ClientModel m,
std::uint32_t const  version 

◆ serialize() [2/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
DeviceKeyInfo i,
std::uint32_t const   

◆ serialize() [3/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
DeviceListTracker t,
std::uint32_t const   

◆ serialize() [4/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
KeyOfState m,
std::uint32_t const   

◆ serialize() [5/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
PendingRoomKeyEvent e,
std::uint32_t const  version 

◆ serialize() [6/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
ReadReceipt r,
std::uint32_t const   

◆ serialize() [7/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
RoomListModel l,
std::uint32_t const   

◆ serialize() [8/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
RoomModel r,
std::uint32_t const  version 

◆ serialize() [9/9]

template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
SdkModel s,
std::uint32_t const   

◆ setIn() [1/3]

template<class ImmerT , class K >
auto Kazv::setIn ( ImmerT  container,
std::decay_t< decltype(getIn(std::declval< ImmerT >(), std::declval< K >()))>  newVal,
K &&  key 
) -> std::decay_t<ImmerT>

◆ setIn() [2/3]

template<class ImmerT , class K , class ... Keys>
auto Kazv::setIn ( ImmerT  container,
std::decay_t< decltype(getIn(std::declval< ImmerT >(), std::declval< K >(), std::declval< Keys >()...))>  newVal,
K &&  key,
Keys &&...  keys 
) -> std::decay_t<ImmerT>

◆ setIn() [3/3]

template<class T >
auto Kazv::setIn ( ,

◆ sortedUniqueMerge()

template<class ImmerT1 , class RangeT2 , class Pred , class Func >
ImmerT1 Kazv::sortedUniqueMerge ( ImmerT1  base,
RangeT2  addon,
Pred  exists,
Func  keyOf 

◆ sortKeyForTimelineEvent()

auto Kazv::sortKeyForTimelineEvent ( Event  e) -> std::tuple< Timestamp, std::string >

Get the sort key for a timeline event.

If the key is larger, the event should be placed at the more recent end of the timeline.

eThe event to get the sort key for.
The sort key. You MUST use auto to store the result.

◆ splitPath()

std::vector< std::string > Kazv::splitPath ( std::string  path)

◆ to_json() [1/5]

void Kazv::to_json ( nlohmann::json j,
const InboundGroupSession s 

◆ to_json() [2/5]

void Kazv::to_json ( nlohmann::json j,
const KeyOfDecryptedEvent k 

◆ to_json() [3/5]

void Kazv::to_json ( nlohmann::json j,
const KeyOfGroupSession k 

◆ to_json() [4/5]

void Kazv::to_json ( nlohmann::json j,
const OutboundGroupSession s 

◆ to_json() [5/5]

void Kazv::to_json ( nlohmann::json j,
const Session s 

◆ tryDecryptEvents()

ClientModel Kazv::tryDecryptEvents ( ClientModel  m)

◆ updateClient() [1/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
BanAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [2/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
ClaimKeysAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [3/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
CreateRoomAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [4/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
DownloadContentAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [5/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
DownloadThumbnailAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [6/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
EncryptMegOlmEventAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [7/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
ForgetRoomAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [8/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
GenerateAndUploadOneTimeKeysAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [9/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
GetRoomStatesAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [10/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
GetStateEventAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [11/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
GetUserProfileAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [12/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
GetVersionsAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [13/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
GetWellknownAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [14/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,

◆ updateClient() [15/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
InviteToRoomAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [16/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
JoinRoomAction  a 

HACK: wait for real boost::url

◆ updateClient() [17/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
JoinRoomByIdAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [18/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
KickAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [19/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
LeaveRoomAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [20/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
LoginAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [21/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,

◆ updateClient() [22/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
PaginateTimelineAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [23/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,

◆ updateClient() [24/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
PostReceiptAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [25/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
PrepareForSharingRoomKeyAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [26/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
QueryKeysAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [27/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
RedactEventAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [28/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SaveLocalEchoAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [29/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SendMessageAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [30/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SendMultipleToDeviceMessagesAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [31/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SendStateEventAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [32/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SendToDeviceMessageAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [33/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetAccountDataAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [34/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetAccountDataPerRoomAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [35/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetAvatarUrlAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [36/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetDeviceTrustLevelAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [37/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetDisplayNameAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [38/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetReadMarkerAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [39/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetShouldSyncAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [40/47]

◆ updateClient() [41/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
SetTypingAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [42/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,

◆ updateClient() [43/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
TokenLoginAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [44/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
UnbanAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [45/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
UpdateLocalEchoStatusAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [46/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,
UploadContentAction  a 

◆ updateClient() [47/47]

ClientResult Kazv::updateClient ( ClientModel  m,

◆ updateIn() [1/2]

template<class ImmerT , class Func , class ... Keys>
auto Kazv::updateIn ( ImmerT  container,
Func  func,
Keys &&...  keys 
) -> ImmerT

◆ updateIn() [2/2]

template<class T , class Func >
auto Kazv::updateIn ( oldVal,
Func  func 
) -> T

◆ validatePushRules()

Event Kazv::validatePushRules ( const Event e)

◆ validateRule()

std::pair< bool, json > Kazv::validateRule ( std::string  ruleSetName,
const json rule 

◆ withRandomGenerator()

auto Kazv::withRandomGenerator ( RandomInterface random)

An enhancer to use a custom random generator.

This is to be used with makeSdk()-series functions.

randomThe random generator to use.

Variable Documentation

◆ containerMap

detail::ContainerMapT Kazv::containerMap {}


const std::string Kazv::DEFTXNID {"0"}


constexpr detail::DefaultValT Kazv::DEFVAL

◆ eventContent

constexpr auto Kazv::eventContent
Initial value:
zug::map([](auto &&event) {
return std::forward<decltype(event)>(event).content();

◆ hasEffect

template<class Reducer , class RetType , class Model , class Action , class Deps >
constexpr bool Kazv::hasEffect
Initial value:
= boost::hana::is_valid(
[]() -> decltype((void)EffectBase<RetType, Action, Deps>(
std::get<1>(std::declval<std::invoke_result_t<Reducer, Model, Action>>()))) {}

◆ headFailureCancelledErrorCode

const std::string Kazv::headFailureCancelledErrorCode {"MOE_KAZV_MXC_HEAD_FAILURE_CANCELLED"}

◆ headFailureCancelledErrorMsg

const std::string Kazv::headFailureCancelledErrorMsg {"This job is cancelled because one before it failed."}

◆ headFailureCancelledStatusCode

const int Kazv::headFailureCancelledStatusCode {490}

◆ intoImmer

detail::IntoImmerT Kazv::intoImmer {}

◆ isPromise

template<class T >
constexpr auto Kazv::isPromise = std::is_base_of_v<TypelessPromise, T>

◆ kzo

const detail::OutputConfig Kazv::kzo {}


const double Kazv::ROOM_TAG_DEFAULT_ORDER = 2

◆ simpleFail

constexpr auto Kazv::simpleFail = detail::SimpleFailT{}

A effect that returns a failed EffectStatus upon invocation.

@ FailAll
If any item is invalid, fail the entire cast.
bool castObject(Jsonish &ret, const Jsonish &input, Key &&k, Validator &&f, CastObjectStrategy strategy)
Cast an object of items.
Definition: validator.hpp:245
bool cast(Jsonish &ret, const Jsonish &input, Key &&k, Validator &&f)
Run validator against input[k] and add it to ret.
Definition: validator.hpp:61
@ IgnoreInvalid
If any item is invalid, ignore them and add all valid entries into the output.
@ FailAll
If any item is invalid, fail the entire cast.
bool castArray(Jsonish &ret, const Jsonish &input, Key &&k, Validator &&f, CastArrayStrategy strategy)
Cast an array of items.
Definition: validator.hpp:154
nlohmann::json json
Definition: jsonwrap.hpp:20
@ IgnoreInvalid
If any item is invalid, ignore them and add all valid entries into the output.