room-model.hpp File Reference
#include <libkazv-config.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <immer/flex_vector.hpp>
#include <immer/map.hpp>
#include <serialization/immer-flex-vector.hpp>
#include <serialization/immer-box.hpp>
#include <serialization/immer-map.hpp>
#include <serialization/immer-array.hpp>
#include <csapi/sync.hpp>
#include <event.hpp>
#include <crypto.hpp>
#include "push-rules-desc.hpp"
#include "local-echo.hpp"
#include "clientutil.hpp"
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struct  Kazv::PendingRoomKeyEvent
struct  Kazv::ReadReceipt
struct  Kazv::EventReader
struct  Kazv::AddStateEventsAction
struct  Kazv::MaybeAddStateEventsAction
 Go from the back of stateEvents to the beginning, adding the event to room state only if the room has no state event with that state key. More...
struct  Kazv::AddToTimelineAction
struct  Kazv::AddAccountDataAction
struct  Kazv::ChangeMembershipAction
struct  Kazv::ChangeInviteStateAction
struct  Kazv::AddEphemeralAction
struct  Kazv::SetLocalDraftAction
struct  Kazv::SetRoomEncryptionAction
struct  Kazv::MarkMembersFullyLoadedAction
struct  Kazv::SetHeroIdsAction
struct  Kazv::AddLocalEchoAction
struct  Kazv::RemoveLocalEchoAction
struct  Kazv::AddPendingRoomKeyAction
struct  Kazv::RemovePendingRoomKeyAction
struct  Kazv::UpdateJoinedMemberCountAction
struct  Kazv::UpdateInvitedMemberCountAction
struct  Kazv::AddLocalNotificationsAction
 Update local notifications to include the new events. More...
struct  Kazv::RemoveReadLocalNotificationsAction
 Remove local notifications that are already read. More...
struct  Kazv::RoomModel
struct  Kazv::UpdateRoomAction
struct  Kazv::RoomListModel




using Kazv::RoomAction = RoomModel::Action
using Kazv::RoomListAction = RoomListModel::Action


PendingRoomKeyEvent Kazv::makePendingRoomKeyEventV0 (std::string txnId, Event event, immer::map< std::string, immer::flex_vector< std::string >> devices)
template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize (Archive &ar, ReadReceipt &r, std::uint32_t const)
bool Kazv::operator== (const ReadReceipt &a, const ReadReceipt &b)
bool Kazv::operator!= (const ReadReceipt &a, const ReadReceipt &b)
bool Kazv::operator== (const EventReader &a, const EventReader &b)
bool Kazv::operator!= (const EventReader &a, const EventReader &b)
bool Kazv::operator== (const PendingRoomKeyEvent &a, const PendingRoomKeyEvent &b)
bool Kazv::operator!= (const PendingRoomKeyEvent &a, const PendingRoomKeyEvent &b)
template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize (Archive &ar, PendingRoomKeyEvent &e, std::uint32_t const version)
auto Kazv::sortKeyForTimelineEvent (Event e) -> std::tuple< Timestamp, std::string >
 Get the sort key for a timeline event. More...
bool Kazv::operator== (const RoomModel &a, const RoomModel &b)
bool Kazv::operator== (const RoomListModel &a, const RoomListModel &b)
template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize (Archive &ar, RoomModel &r, std::uint32_t const version)
template<class Archive >
void Kazv::serialize (Archive &ar, RoomListModel &l, std::uint32_t const)


const double Kazv::ROOM_TAG_DEFAULT_ORDER = 2