Using the libkazvfixtures library

We created a fixtures library to provide developers with a way to make mock models with sensible defaults.

All functions lie in the Kazv::Factory namespace. The header file to include is <testfixtures/factory.hpp>.

#include <factory.hpp>
using namespace Kazv::Factory;
Definition: factory.cpp:10

The make* factory functions

These functions take a ComposedModifier<ModelType>, where ModelType is the class of the fixture that you want to create.

A ComposedModifier<ModelType> is basically a function that takes a ModelType & and modify it, so you can put a lambda here:

auto client = makeClient([](ClientModel &m) { m.userId = ""; });
// client.userId == ""
ClientModel makeClient(const ComposedModifier< ClientModel > &mod)
Definition: factory.cpp:41

Just as its name suggests, you can compose multiple ComposedModifier with operator|(), and they will execute in the sequence in which they are composed:

auto client = makeClient(
ComposedModifier<ClientModel>([](ClientModel &m) { m.serverUrl = ""; })
| ComposedModifier<ClientModel>([](ClientModel &m) { m.userId = "@some-user:" + m.serverUrl; })
// client.serverUrl == ""
// client.userId == ""

A ComposedModifier<ModelType> is an std::function<void(ModelType &)> but it won't throw when a default-constructed instance is being invoked, instead it would just do nothing, so you can write the following when you do not need any particular tweak:

auto client = makeClient({});


To make our life easier, we defined some commonly used modifiers. The most generic one is withAttr(), which takes a pointer to a class member and a value. When invoked, it sets that member to the value provided.

auto client = makeClient(
withAttr(&ClientModel::serverUrl, "")
| withAttr(&ClientModel::token, "token")
// client.serverUrl == ""
// client.token == "token"
auto room = makeRoom(withAttr(&RoomModel::encrypted, true));
// room.encrypted == true
RoomModel makeRoom(const ComposedModifier< RoomModel > &mod)
Definition: factory.cpp:122
AttrModifier< PointerToMember > withAttr(PointerToMember p, const typename AttrModifier< PointerToMember >::DataT &data)
Definition: factory.hpp:54

Some modifiers add values to a mapping, for example withRoom(), withRoomState(), withRoomTimeline(), withRoomAccountData(). They take care of the keys automatically so instead of writing

auto room = makeRoom();
auto client = makeClient(
[room](auto &m) { m.roomList.rooms = m.roomList.rooms.set(room.roomId, room); }

you can just do

auto client = makeClient(
ComposedModifier< ClientModel > withRoom(RoomModel room)
Definition: factory.cpp:53